BPU 2024 Accomplishments Lay Groundwork For 2025 Plans

Blackstone Advanced Technologies President Heather Turner and BPU General Manager David Leathers sign a renewed SC-6 agreement with BPU Business Development Coordinator Ellen Ditonto, right. Blackstone Director of Finance Sarah Drake and Blackstone Director of Engineering Tim Wissman look on. The signing of this agreement was one of many BPU accomplishments noted in the State of the City. Submitted file photo
Jamestown’s Board of Public Utilities figures heavily in Mayor Kim Ecklund’s plans for the city in 2025.
In Ecklund’s State of the City released last week, the mayor highlighted some of the BPU’s accomplishments for the year, including highlighting multiple grants and infrastructure improvements. Specifics included phase two of the Water Infrastructure Improvement Act project, which enhanced service on West Virginia Boulevard, Glenview Avenue, West 18th Street, and Mercury Lane/Lasalle Avenue, along with an Engineering Planning Grant that the BPU was awarded to address inflow and infiltration improvements in Sewer Shed No. Seven on the City’s west side.
Ecklund also addressed the BPU achieving 96% completion of the EPA-mandated Lead Service Line Inventory, the receiving of a NYSERDA Flex Tech Grant to analyze engineering requirements for a new Cassadaga Water Pump House Station near Falconer, a similar grant that was submitted to study potential water system expansion to surrounding towns, and more items in the Wastewater Division, specifically more than 4,000 feet of wastewater mains that were successfully slip-lined, and improvements were made to pump and lift stations at Orr Street and Foote Avenue and the Wastewater Treatment Plant underwent a critical digester clean-out.
Ecklund then talked about labor, union contracts, salary range evaluation studies, and a few other milestones for the BPU.
“The BPU also achieved significant milestones in energy innovation and sustainability,” Ecklund said in her address. “A finalized contract with the Department of Energy advanced the $23.4 million Jamestown Community Microgrid project. Additionally, nearly $30 million was awarded for the JBPU Fiber/Broadband initiative, supporting enhanced connectivity in the region.”
Additionally, electric vehicle chargers were installed by the New York Power Authority on East Second Street, and an engineering study was completed for the Jamestown Public Schools bus garage and fleet. Ecklund then discussed the BPU’s current work on the Retool District Heating project and several other projects that were completed to improve reliability, including electric distribution system upgrades and power plant enhancements. Blackstone Advanced Technologies was also added as an SC-6 Flex Rate customer, which Ecklund said further supports economic growth.
Many of these ongoing projects and accomplishments are continuing as part of the goals of the BPU for this year.
“A key focus will be the initial implementation of the Department of Energy’s Jamestown Community Microgrid project, an innovative step towards energy resilience,” Ecklund said. “Additionally, the BPU will commence the make-ready work and planning necessary for the rollout of the Fiber/Broadband project, aimed at improving digital connectivity across the city. On the engineering front, the BPU intends to secure design funding for the first phase of the Retool District Heating project while also completing the engineering study for a new Cassadaga Pump House Station.”
Other plans include; finalizing the Water System Expansion study, completing the Sewer Shed No. Seven engineering analysis, the installation of a new fueling station, and the proposed BPU Microgrid Project, which will soon begin its initial implementation.
Other top priorities for the BPU will be grant acquisition and efforts to finalize a new labor contract with Teamsters 264 employees, which Ecklund said will underscore the BPU’s commitment to fostering strong relationships with its workforce.
“Through these priorities, the BPU aims to build on past successes while positioning Jamestown for a future of innovation, sustainability, and enhanced quality of life for its residents,” Ecklund said.
Full details on the upcoming BPU projects outlined in the State of the City, can be found under the State of the City on the city’s website, jamestownny.gov.