Prevention Works Sets Up Shop In Falconer

More than 70 elected officials, family, friends and supporters of Prevention Works Inc. participated in the non-for-profits official ribbon cutting ceremony at the organization’s new location located at 1 E. Main St. Prevention Works was previously located at 509 N. Main St., Jamestown, prior to relocating. P-J photo by Christopher Blakeslee
FALCONER- Prevention Works Inc. has a new home, one worthy of being shown on MTV’s show Cribs.
Prevention works was previously located at 509 N. Main St., Jamestown prior to moving to its new location at 1 E. Main St. The organization’s newest location will help facilitate better access to the program and services it offers, along with possible upcoming program expansions.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was conducted Friday at the Prevention Works building, and was attended by more than 70 visitors, elected officials, family and friends.
“This building will help us facilitate more programs and services,” said Melanie Witkowski, Prevention Works executive director. “We’re hoping to be able to offer classes in our new upstairs conference room.”
According to, the non-for-profit, exists to educate communities on positive life choices by encouraging health, wellness and inclusion. The organization’s vision plan consists of creating an environment where all communities thrive by making safe and healthy choices, which is a fact not lost on some of the event attendees.
“They fill an important component,” said Chautauqua County Sheriff James Quattrone. “Yes. You need arrest -law enforcement- and treatment options, but you also need a prevention component when dealing with addictions and Prevention Works fills that need.”
Additionally, Prevention Works offers a plethora of preventative, high-quality programs to address a variety of negative habits and life addictions.
Programs include Too Good for Drugs, Positive Action, PAX Good Behavior Game, Children in Addicted Homes, Life Skills Training, Prevention Plus Wellness (SPORT) and Awareness Presentations, Teen Intervene, Triple P (Positive Parenting Program), PAX Community Tools, Awareness Trainings, Adult Intervention Services, W.I.S.E. Program For Seniors (Wellness Initiative for Senior Education.)
“Prevention Works is an excellent organization. It’s better to prevent a bad habit than treating one,” said County Executive PJ Wendel.