Fletcher Students Share Letters To Santa

Parents have finished their Christmas shopping and are probably wrapping Christmas presents as Christmas Day looms on the horizon.
But what did some area children ask of Santa Claus this year? Five Fletcher Elementary School teachers, and one from Lincoln Elementary, shared their students’ letters to Santa Claus with The Post-Journal. It’s a gift that requires no wrapping.
Dear Santa,

Hi my name is Alexis. I am six years old. I have been good. Here is what I want for Christmas. I want cat headphones and a camera that prints out the pictures.
Thank you.
Dear Santa, My name is Kaiden. I am 6 years old. I want a dinosaur.

Dear Santa, Hi, My name is Alena. I am 6 years old. I have been good. Here is what I want for Christmas. I want a Barbie Dream House and some Christmas tape. Some small Christmas tape too.

From left are Avery Brown, Alessandra Lamancuso and Serenity Moore, students in Johnna Conti’s class at Fletcher Elementary School. Their letters to Santa Claus are included in today’s edition. Submitted photos
Dear Santa, HI My name is Bryce. I have been good. I want a 3D pen.
Dear Santa, My name is Eli. I want a race car for Christmas.

Dear Santa, HI my name is Remi. I am 6 years old. I have been good. Here is what I want for Christmas. I want a ball and a toy Barbie
Love, XoXo
Dear Santa, Hi my name is Madeline. I am six years old. I have been good. I want a Barbie Dream house and a Barbie car.
Dear Santa, Hi my name is Brigitte. I am 6 years old. I have been good this year. I want a water Barbie and a Barbie car.
- From left are Avery Brown, Alessandra Lamancuso and Serenity Moore, students in Johnna Conti’s class at Fletcher Elementary School. Their letters to Santa Claus are included in today’s edition. Submitted photos
Thank you Santa,
Dear Santa, Hi my name is Chris. Ihave been good. Here is what I want for Christmas. I want a dinosaur bot and a baseball. I have been good.
Dear Santa, My name is Aurora. I am 6 years old. I have been good. I want a caat and Noir from Moster high. I also want a Barbie dream house.
Dear Santa, Hi my name is Alessandra. I am six years old. I have been good. I would like a Bitsy and Mini brands. Safe travels.
Xoxo Love,
Dear Santa, Hi my name is Cyrus. I am six years old. I have been good. Here is what I want for Christmas. I want an elf and an elf toy.
Dear Santa, My name is Robdielys. I want a Barbie doll for Christmas.
Dear Santa, Hi my name is Jackson. I am six years old. I have been good. Here is what I want for Christmas. I want mini brands and a Sponge Bob.
Dear Santa, Hi my name is Azana. I am 6 years old. I have been good. I want an elf for Christmas. Thank you Santa,
Dear Santa, Hi my name is Cameron. I am six years old. I have been good. Here is what I want for Christmas. I want a Demon slayer and an elf suit and hat.
Thank you so much Santa xoxx
Dear Santa, Hi my name is Henry. I am 6 years old. I have been good. Here is what I want for Christmas. I want Luigi’s Mansion 3 and Ninja kids ball. Thank you Santa,
Dear Santa, Hi my name is Serenity. I am 6 years old. I have been good. Here is what I want for Christmas. I want an American Girls doll and Little life pets.
Dear Santa,
I wish for my cousin to be here. He is in practice in the Army. I really miss him. He is the best! He is my favorite in the family. No matter what, please bring him back.
Thank you,
Ciara M.
Dear Santa,
I have been really kind to my friends and family. I hope you like the cookies and milk I made you.
Lillian S.
Dear Santa,
I was nice. And, my friend was too. I love you, Santa. I want Nike stuff and a phone. I love myself and my sister too. I love my friends too. I love everything…my school and my teacher. I love my teacher soooooo much.
Dear Santa,
I want for Christmas a Nintendo. I have been a good kid. I help my friends, my Mom and Dad. I will leave you 10 cookies! Is Mrs. Claus a good cooker? What does she make for the elves to eat?
See you soon,
Kyson C.
Dear Santa,
Mostly I have been good. Please bring me anything.\
Thank you,
Kya Rose G.
Dear Santa,
I would like a tablet, a case, and colored pencils. Santa, how are you doing? How many cookies did you make? I have been good, like 98% good. I want to pet a reindeer. Please give me it. Do you play games with Mrs. Claus?
ORyan P.
Dear Santa,
I want a PS 5. I have been good. Can you bring me a toy of Wuggy Huggy please? I have my family so much.
Quinton T.
Dear Santa,
You are the best! Will you bring me a gift please? Can you? What about your reindeer? Are you going to give them a carrot? Yes, I am not nice. I am not going to get a gift. It’s okay.
Mateo R.
Dear Santa,
I have been good and bad. And, I want a new jewelry box or Christmas. I hope you get to everyone’s house.
Dear Santa,
I hope you go to every home. I’d give the people gifts. Don’t bring coal, please. I will see you in 1 week.
Dear Santa,
I want a gift card and that’s all. Santa Claus go to my house. I was helping my Mom with cookies and I will leave milk. The cookies are for you and the Elf.
Thank you,
Dear Santa,
Can you please get me a LOL Doll. I have been good this year. Please tell your reindeer to stop on our lawn because my sister and I have food for them.
Dear Santa,
I hope I can get some gifts you make for me. I love you. Can I please get a bike? Thanks, Santa!
Dear Santa,
I love you, Santa. I hope your elves are listening an you’re the best. Santa, your reindeer are listening and I love your reindeer. How are your reindeer doing Santa Claus? Are they good or bad? Santa, I am going to leave you cookies.
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy. I love you. Can you say hello to the reindeer? Can I give you a hug? I hope you get a good day because it is cold. I am kind. I am kind to my teacher and I like the good kids and bad kids. I want a friend. Please and thank you for being here.
Mylo C.
Dear Santa,
My name is Braydon. I am 7 years old. How are you? I would like a Psi, hover board, and gaming chair. Go to the front door because my chimney does not work.
Merry Christmas
Mrs. Isabella’s Second Grade Class
MJ Fletcher School – Jamestown
Dear Santa,
My name is Bryer. I am 7 years old. How is Rudolph? I would like a scooter. My dog will bite you . My chimney is to small so use the front door. I will leave milk and cookies. I would also like a fake Elf.
From Bryer
Dear Santa,
I have a dog and cats. My name is Joseph. I want an xbox , you tuber set and fake elf. I am 7 years old. I will leave you cookies and milk. Safe travels. Merry Christmas
Dear Santa,
My name is Kylee. I am 7 years old. How are you? I would like a cat doll. Safe travels. Merry Christmas
Dear Santa,
My name is Wesley. I am 8 years old. How are you? I would like a helmet and power ranger suit. Merry Christmas
Dear Santa,
My name is Jeffery. I am 7 years old. How are you? I would like a camera, 3 D printer. My chimney goes to the basement. Be careful. Merry Christmas
Dear Santa,
My name is Alex. I am 7 years old. I hope all is well. How is Rudolph been doing? I have been good. This year I would like legos, lab toys and board games. My Chimney is blocked so go in my front door. I will give you cookies and milk Santa.
Love Alex
Dear Santa,
My name is Malakhi. I am 7 years old. I hope all is well. How is Rudolph? How are you doing? I hope it snows this year. I have been really good. Hey do you know Sprinkles? She is very funny. I want some super tips and 96 crayons. Make sure they are all different colors and a case for my Nintendo switch. You have to go through the front door. Hope you enjoy the cookies.
Love Malakhi
Dear Santa,
My name is Sherman. I am 7 years old. How are the Elves? I would like a kid car. Come through the back door. I hope you are safe.
Merry Christmas Sherman
Dear Santa,
My name is Easton. I am 8 years old. How are you doing? If you can get me a drum set please and some colored pencils please, that would be great. I am going to try to leave you milk and cookies. Be careful of my dog, she might bark. Have a nice flight.
Dear Santa,
My name is Jax. I am 7 years old. I hope all is well. Did it snow a lot in the North pole? I have been trying to be good. My sister would like lipstick. I want a phone and tablet. Have a nice Christmas.
Love Jax
Dear Santa,
My name is Leia. I am 7 years old. I hope all is well. How are you? Did it snow in the North Pole? I have been trying to be good. Can I have gumball machine please. Go in through the fire place, I don’t use it.
Love Leia
Dear Santa,
My name is Marnie. I am seven years old. I hope all is well. How is Mrs. Clause doing? Did you get a lot of snow? How are the Elfs doing? I have been trying to be good this year. I really want room spray, lip sticks and a gumball machine. I hope you have a Merry
Christmas. I am leaving you milk and cookies.
Love Marnie
Dear Santa,
My name is Miah. I am seven years old. I hope all is well. Are you having a good time? I think I have been good. The things I want are a Jesus plushie, Bible and Jesus blanket. I hope you can make it or buy it. You could use the powers you have to get in my house. Have a good time. I will leave milk and cookies.
Love Miah
Dear Santa,
My name is Jaeden. I am 7 years old. I hope all is well. How is Rudolph doing? I have been really good this year. I want a stuffed animal and a toy. Safe travels to you and the reindeer. Merry Christmas.
Dear Santa,
My name is Annika. I am 7 years old. I hope all is well. How is Mrs. Clause. Is Rudolph ok? I have been really good this year. I really would like slime, beachy babies slime and a Jesus plushy. My dog Linny is nice but she might bite you . I will leave you cookies.
Love Annika
Dear Santa,
My name is Skiegh. I am 7 years old. I hope all is well. Did it snow a lot in the North Pole. I have been trying to be good. I want slime, lol doll and a fake hamster. I have 3 dogs Isis, Picasso and Cora. They don’t bite but if you try to smack someone, Isis will bite. Don’t forget to bring something for my sisters. I hope you like the cookies I am leaving.
Love Skiegh
Dear Santa,
My name is Landon. I am 7 years old. How are you? I would like a plushy, 3 D printer, PS5, hover board and you tube set. Stay Safe and Merry Christmas
Dear Santa,
My name is Bootsie. I am 7 years old. How are you? I want markers and a note pad. I will leave cookies.
Merry Christmas
Dear Santa,
I am 6 years old. I have been a good boy. I want a Bakugan and a WWE action figure.
Felix C.
Dear Santa,
I am 6 years old. I have been good this year. I am the best! I want a dinosaur and a Sponge Bob toy. Thank you! You are the best! I will make you milk and cookies.
Dominic L.
Dear Santa,
I am 7 years old. I would like new sea animals for my collection. I wish I had a good dream. I wrote you a story Santa.
Benny B.
Benny’s Santa story:
You are 4,000 years old Santa. All the way to Santa!
“What was that? ”
“Help me,” said Santa.
“We have to go to help Santa! ”
“What? OH NO! I have an idea! ”
“Yes, we did it! ”
“Thank you!” said Santa. “You saved Christmas! ”
Dear Santa,
I am 6 years old. I have been good this year. Can I have a puppy, makeup, and a cat with kittens? On Christmas Eve I will make cookies for Santa!
Athena G.
Dear Santa,
I am 6 years old. I love you, Santa. I want a unicorn. How do you fly?
Ellie Mae K.
Dear Santa,
I was good this year. I want makeup that transforms into this bag. It is plastic and has pockets. I am 6 years old.
Willow H.
Dear Santa,
I am 7 years old. I have been good this year. Could I please have a Godzilla character? I want Spiderman too. I want to put carrots on the roof for your reindeer.
Benjamin H.
Dear Santa,
I am 6 years old. I like to make new friends. Could I please have a phone and a phone case? Could you have the case Stitch themed? I’d like a dog too. I really want one. You are the best Santa!
Angeliz R.
Dear Santa,
I am 6 years old. Can I please have a dragon egg and a lamp? I have been good. Santa, do you like cookies and milk?
Dear Santa,
I am 6 years old. I have been good this year. Can I please have a phone? I follow Fletcher Falcon rules for Christmas.
Azyra P.
Dear Santa,
I am 7 years old. I have been great this year. Can I please have a VR headset, an Axolotl, doggie toys, lava lamp, a Chiwawa, WWE action figures, and WWE match Xbox? Please don’t be mad at me for asking for too much stuff.
Jet F.
Dear Santa,
I am 6 years old. I have been making new friends. I’d like to have a puppy.
Gabe G.
Dear Santa,
I am 6 years old. I have been good this year. I’d like Minecraft.
Dexter M.
Dear Santa,
I am 6 years old. I am good this year. Could I have a Barbie Dream House? How do your reindeer fly?
Natalie P.
Dear Santa,
I am 6 years old. I’ve been super! How do your reindeer fly? I like to play Kingdom Hearts. Please give me the Mouse Trap game.
Noah K.
Dear Santa,
I am 6 years old. I am good because I love my mom and dad. I want a puppy. How do reindeer fly?
I love you.
Sophia P.
Dear Santa,
I have been helping homeless people. I bring them warm blankets and food. Can I please have a metal detector and a microscope?
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is a Godzilla toy. I’m 6 years old. I am a good boy.
Aiden G.
Dear Santa,
I am 6 years old. I have been good this year. I love you, Santa! I would like a lot of dolls for Christmas. I like LOL dolls.
Alexis K.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a realistic baby girl doll and a baby doll stroller with a couple of seats in it and a hood on it. I will leave you some cookies and chocolate milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Sophia P.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a Barbie Dream House and realistic baby doll. I will leave you some cookies and chocolate milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Bria M.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a realistic baby doll and a stroller for him. I will leave you some cookies and chocolate milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Jayla S.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like Legos and a real baby doll with a stroller and an iPad. I will leave you some cookies and white milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Naomi H.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a Batman, Ironman, and Superman Lego set where the helmets can come off. I will leave you some cookies and white milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Kody G.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a realistic baby doll with a stroller and crib and pretend lotion. I will leave you some cookies and chocolate milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Aurora P.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a remote-controlled toy dinosaur. I will leave you some cookies and white milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Noah
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a remote-controlled robot. I will leave you some cookies and white milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Johnathan P.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a PS5, Call of Duty 6, and a Lego car. I will leave you some cookies and chocolate milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Orion S.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a Mayor Plushie and a rainbow and pink Axoloti Plushie. I will leave you some cookies and chocolate milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Charlotte P.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a Sprunki Plush and a Rainbow Axoloti Plush. I will leave you some cookies and strawberry milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, David C.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a PHYWESS RC Car and a Kitchen Playset. I will leave you some cookies and white milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Ares G.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a Figure Plushie and a Seek Plushie. I will leave you some cookies and chocolate milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Lennon H.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a Home Alone Book and a TV. I will leave you some cookies and almond milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Vincent Robbins
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a Drone and purple slime. I will leave you some cookies and vanilla milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Leonardo L.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a Squishmallow Axoloti Plushie, slime, a new iPad, and a Nintendo Switch. I will leave you some cookies and chocolate milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Remington S.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a Scary Sprunki Plushie. I will leave you some cookies and chocolate milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Hunter F.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a remote-controlled robot, train set, and an Ocean Lego Set. I will leave you some cookies and white milk and carrots and cabbage for the reindeer.
Love, Stephen S.
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good child this year. You are the best! For Christmas, I would like a PS5 with a rainbow remote. I will leave you some cookies and white milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Love, Jaelynn R.
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I give my teacher flowers. I do my work at school. I would like a VR headset and computer. Please bring a new TV for my family. I will leave you donuts, Oreos and milk.
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I helped dad do the dishes. I helped mom bake cookies. I would like a cow and a refrigerator. Please bring my dad a teeny tiny toy and my mom a toy. I will leave you mac and cheese. I will leave carrots and toys for the reindeer.
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I helped clean my room. I am good at school. I would like a bike. Please bring my sister to my house. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I took care of my sister’s dog. I played with my baby brother. I have been nice. I would like a headset and a marshmallow squishy. Please bring a Toy Paw Patrol to my baby brother. I will leave you a present.
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I helped my friend. I helped my mom vacuum. I made my bed. I would like a Nintendo Switch, an X Box and a bike. Please bring Mikey to my house to play. I will leave you carrots.
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I made my bed. I cleaned my room. I would like a Johnny Test Robot. Please heal Dad’s leg for my mom. I will leave you presents.
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I helped my mom. I helped my family. I helped someone who was hurt. I would like an ice cream toy and a doctor’s kit. Please bring a new Xbox for my dad and Kolton. I will leave you mac and cheese, and carrots.
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I helped my friends all the time. I love to help my family. I would like a PS4 and an Xbox 4, and for you to tell everybody to be nice. Please bring my dad a chain. I will leave you cookies and milk. Dip the cookies in the milk.
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I helped my family. I would like a pet cat, dog, frog, zebra and small kangaroo. Please bring my mom a cockatoo. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I shared my toys. I was helpful when someone got hurt. I helped my family. I would like a diamond, a treasure chest, a walking dog, and a PS5. Please bring Joey a clock. I will leave you milk and cookies.
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I cleaned up after my dogs. I helped my mom and dad. I listened to my mom and dad. I would like a PS5 and a Nintendo Switch, a dog trainer and $100. Please bring animals to Joey. I will leave you carrots.
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I helped my mom. I helped my dad. I like to help my family. I would like a puppy that walks and talks, and a doll that I can feed. Please bring a green blanket for my family. I will leave you cookies and milk. I will leave carrots for the reindeer.
Dear Santa,
I have been mostly good this year. I helped someone get up. I was a good listener. I played with my brother. I would like a unicorn, an Academy Toy Dress and $100. Please bring my brother an action figure. I will leave you cookies and carrots for the reindeer.
From, Mylani
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I fed reindeer. I got food for Santa. I played with the elves. I would like a milkshake toy. Please bring cookies for mom and dad. I will leave toys for you and the reindeer.