‘My Trailer Is Full’
Trucker Heads South With Relief Aid
- Volunteers organize donated goods and wares to be delivered by Bemus Point resident and independent truck driver and owner, Blake Davis, to people affected by the hurricane that hit North Carolina, specifically in the Black Hill Mountains of the Blue Ridge Appalachian Mountain region.
- Blake Davis, an independent truck driver, owner/operator is planning on leaving today to deliver a 53 foot tractor trailer full of donated goods to the Blue Ridge Mountain Region of North Carolina in an effort to aid the ongoing relief efforts. Submitted photo

Volunteers organize donated goods and wares to be delivered by Bemus Point resident and independent truck driver and owner, Blake Davis, to people affected by the hurricane that hit North Carolina, specifically in the Black Hill Mountains of the Blue Ridge Appalachian Mountain region.
For Blake Davis, an independent truck driver from Bemus Point, watching the evening news and the devastation wrecking the south was all that was needed to spur him into action.
Davis, on his own dime, is taking his rig and 53-foot trailer, loaded with much-needed donations, to the Blue Ridge Mountain region of North Carolina.
“We’ve collected donations on Tuesday and Wednesday, and I’ll be heading down to the mountains in North Carolina to get these donations into the hands that need them right away,” he said. “I’m planning on leaving today. I’ve got canned goods, blankets, first-aid supplies, socks, personal hygiene, you name it. … My trailer is full from front to back, and top to bottom.”
Davis said he was amazed at the generosity of people from Chautauqua County and promised to put the donations in the hands of the right people.
“FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is on location, but I’m hearing directly, from boots on the ground, that they’re (FEMA) messing everything up,” he said. “So I’m going to put the donations in the hands of the people who need it the most. I’m working with two churches right now. They tell me it’s a mess down there.”

Blake Davis, an independent truck driver, owner/operator is planning on leaving today to deliver a 53 foot tractor trailer full of donated goods to the Blue Ridge Mountain Region of North Carolina in an effort to aid the ongoing relief efforts. Submitted photo
While the bulk of all goods shipped in the United States is done by truck and truck drivers, Davis said, he’s heard of other drivers volunteering to transport goods and supplies down south paid for out of their own pocket or in between their normal shipping runs.