Open For Play
Celoron Opens All-Inclusive Playground
- Pictured is the fully accessible, castle portion of the new, all-inclusive, playground which was officially opened for the public’s use Monday, at the Lucille Ball Memorial Park, in Celoron.
- From left, Finn Knepshield, a homeschooled student, and his grandfather, James Mattson, give a thumbs-up Monday, regarding the new, all-inclusive playground at the Lucille Ball Memorial Park located at 21 Boulevard Ave., in Celoron. P-J photo by Christopher Blakeslee

Pictured is the fully accessible, castle portion of the new, all-inclusive, playground which was officially opened for the public’s use Monday, at the Lucille Ball Memorial Park, in Celoron.
CELORON–A dream to re-image the Lucille Ball Memorial Park located at 21 Boulevard Ave., and to make it all-inclusive has come to fruition.
Celoron village officials announced the opening of the new, all-inclusive, playground complex Sunday, in a Facebook post reading.
“The new playground at the Lucille Ball Memorial Park in Celoron, N.Y., will be open tomorrow, Monday, Sept., 2. We hope you have a chance to stop by and check it out,” the post read.
However, according to some village officials, to get to the point of opening the park was an eight-to-nine-year process.
“This is something that the village has been working on for close to eight or nine years,” said Celoron Clerk and Treasurer Shirley Sanfilippo. “The Village Board wanted to make sure the new park would be 100% accessible for everyone. Plus, we had to apply for grants and find different funding sources.”

From left, Finn Knepshield, a homeschooled student, and his grandfather, James Mattson, give a thumbs-up Monday, regarding the new, all-inclusive playground at the Lucille Ball Memorial Park located at 21 Boulevard Ave., in Celoron. P-J photo by Christopher Blakeslee
Sanfilippo said there were several grant and funding sources including $165,000 from the state Environmental Protect Fund; a $20,000 Community Impact Grant; $25,000 from the Ralph C. Sheldon Foundation for the purchase of the playground equipment; $15,000 from the Chautauqua Regional Community Foundation; and $20,000 additional funding from the Sheldon Foundation for the soft playground surface.
“This was a much bigger project than any of us expected,” said Sanfilippo. “When we first started planning for this project eight-plus years ago, we estimated that the project would cost $220,000. However, factoring inflation prices we paid $410,000.”
The design, playground layout and recreation expertise were provided by the Monett, Mont., based Miracle Recreation Equipment Company. According to, Miracle playgrounds are designed to prepare children for their future. We believe that a lifetime of self-discovery, independence, and leadership begins on a playground–where children take perceived risks that challenge, transform, and invite them to see new perspectives. Stepping out of their comfort zones shouldn’t be a special occasion.
By all accounts the Miracle Company succeeded in its endeavor to create a unique, all-inclusive, challenging playground for all to enjoy.
“This playground is amazing,” said James Mattson, grandfather of Finn Knepshield, a homeschooled student who was enjoying the park on Monday.
Mattson and Knepshield were just two of the more than 50 children, parents and grandparents who were inquisitive about the newest park in Celoron.
“This thing is monstrous,” said Eliott Ouellet, a husband and father of four children, and a resident of Cap-Rouge, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. “We’re returning from a family vacation and decided to stay here for a few days. …We saw this playground and we decided to stop.”
For one local resident, having a playground of this caliber only enhances the attractiveness for not only Celoron, but Chautauqua County as well.
“I mean, a person, in a wheelchair can roll right onto the merry-go-round and enjoy it like anyone else, or to go up in the tower – there’s wheelchair accessible access to almost all parts of it, and in the park,” said Annmarie Goodlow of Kennedy.