Sherman First Baptist Church Pastor Always Felt Connection To Ministry

Tim Minge with his wife, Denise, and two sons, Riley and Lincoln. Minge has served the Sherman First Baptist Church since 2015. Submitted photo
SHERMAN — Tim Minge, who has served as pastor at Sherman First Baptist Church since 2015, has had the calling to be involved in Christian ministry since his teenage years.
After he graduated from college in 2005, Minge worked in his local church’s Christian school as a teacher and later a principal. He served his home church in Spanaway, Washington from 2005 to 2015 as an assistant pastor and Christian School Principal.
“Around 2014, I began considering the idea of serving as a Senior Pastor somewhere,” Minge said. “This eventually led me to Sherman and the First Baptist Church.”
Minge said he first learned that Sherman First Baptist Church was looking for a pastor in 2015 through a mutual connection in Las Vegas. Minge knew of the area but not of Sherman, through his wife, Denise’s family.
“My wife’s family is in Chautauqua County and Corry,” Minge said. “We got engaged on Chautauqua Lake and were married in Lakewood. We’d visited New York a few times over the years, but I’d never heard of Sherman. I was surprised at how close it was to family. I contacted the search committee, introduced myself, and began a series of conversations that ultimately led to the church’s calling me as their pastor. My wife and sons moved to Sherman in November of 2015.”
Minge and Denise will be celebrating 19 years of marriage this year. They also have two sons, Riley, age 16, and Lincoln, age 14.
Minge said pastors are important because of what they do and what they can provide for people in their communities.
“I would say it’s what pastors do that is important,” Minge said. “We’re just regular people with the same struggles as anyone else. But pastors have the unique privilege and responsibility to encourage and equip people to know God better and live in obedience to him. We do that through teaching and preaching as well as by setting an example of real-life Christianity.”
After many years of serving as a pastor, Minge said his focus is on spiritual care for the people in his church.
“A pastor is a shepherd,” Minge said. “My main focus is spiritual care. That happens in a lot of ways, but it’s primarily through teaching and preaching the Bible and praying for and with people. A good pastor will love and serve the people in his care and try to model the kind of life that Jesus lived. After 19 years, I’m still learning how to do this.”
Sherman First Baptist Church is located at 113 Church Street. Sundays begin with Sunday School at 10 a.m., followed by Worship at 11 a.m. and an Evening Service at 6 p.m.