
VFW “Buddy Poppy” Being Offered Today

Mayor Kimberly Ecklund met with representatives of the John W. Tiffany Post 53 Veterans of Foreign Wars to receive a “Buddy Poppy” kicking off this years campaign. From left Jim McNally Past State Commander Dept of New York, Ken Furlow Post 53 Junior Vice-Commander and Buddy Poppy Chair, Mayor Ecklund, and Bill Johnston Post Commander.

May 20 marked the 100th anniversary that the designation of “Buddy Poppy” was certified for its sole use by the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

This iconic symbol of remembrance and support for our fallen, disabled, and needy veterans is traditionally offered in the days just before Memorial Day.

The members of the John W. Tiffany Post 53 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will be offering them to the public today at Brigiotta’s Farmland Produce & Garden Center, 414 Fairmount Ave. and Brigiotta’s Farmland Greenhouse & Garden Center, 375 Livingstone Ave.

Monies raised helps disabled and disadvantaged veterans who assemble the iconic red flowers in addition to supporting veterans’ rehabilitation and service programs as well as the VFW National Home.


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