
Sale Of Special Ecklof Bakery Cookies Supports G.A. Family Services

From left, Chad Ecklof the owner of Ecklof Bakery, and Kathleen Maynard, family resource coordinator, G.A. Family Services Foster Care, display the upcoming pink, heart-shaped sugar cookie the bakery will sell to support the G.A. Family Services Foster Care Program, Thursday at the bakery, 832 Foote Ave. The cookies will be on sale from May 13 – 25. Submitted photo

G.A. Family Services is about to get its proverbial “sweet tooth” filled for 12 days in May.

Ecklof’s Bakery will be supporting G.A. Family Services from May 13-25, by donating all the profits from the sales of the special, heart-shaped, red-frosted, sugar cookie the bakery sells during a 12-day marathon.

“It’s a real honor and privilege to make and sell these baked goods in support of the (former) G.A. Home,” said Chad Ecklof, owner and manager of Ecklof’s Bakery. “We sell the cookies for $1 each, that way we can maximize the proceeds for the G.A. Services and give them the biggest donation we can.”

Ecklof’s Bakery was established in 1956 and has been based out of its 832 Foote Ave. location since 2004. The bakery’s heart-shaped treats has a long and storied history supporting the local area foster care system

“I think we’ve been doing the special cookie for at least 20 years now,” said Ecklof. “In the past we’d host children from the (former) G.A. home -they’d send them over-, and we show them around, work with them. …This is a great partnership.”

The feeling of respect reciprocated by representatives from G.A. Family Services. Respect is a two-way street.

“I can’t say enough good things about Ecklof Bakery,” said Kathleen Maynard, family resource coordinator, G.A. Family Services Foster Care. “The funds we raise with the bakery goes a long way in supporting the children in our care, like using it for respite, so we don’t burn our foster families out.”

Ecklof’s Bakery is a family-run and operated business, its special cookies appear to be a big hit, making this sugary treat an area favorit.

“The cookies sell pretty good,” said Ecklof. “We put them out and, in a few days, we can sell 300 plus cookies or more. We know these baked goods are going for a great cause, and our customers don’t seem to mind paying a little more because of that.”

“Pink striped cookies. Heart-shaped cookies. It doesn’t matter, it all tastes wonderful,” said Jackson Niagama, a resident of Jamestown. “Plus, these cookies go for a good cause, that makes them taste all the more sweeter.”


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