
Jamestown Turf And Tractor Opens For Business

Jamestown Turf and Tractor, 235 Fluvanna Ave., recently opened its doors. P-J photo by Michael Zabrodsky

Warm weather has descended on the area, so that may mean some residents will be tending to lawnscaping projects – big and small.

Jamestown Turf and Tractor, 235 Fluvanna Ave., recently opened its doors and may provide another outlet for purchasing or renting lawn care equipment and more.

The store, a branch of North Eastern Equipment Sales and Rentals, is a Bobcat brand dealer, said Nick Wilkinson, sales specialist.

The other locations include Bobcat of Olean, Bobcat of Kane, Pa., and Bobcat of Clarion, Pa.

“Nothing (retail stores) around here has the Bobcat lineup for the everyday me and you, at home,” Wilkinson said.

Sales Specialist Nick Wilkinson sits on a Bobcat utility vehicle, at Jamestown Turf and Tractor. P-J photo by Michael Zabrodsky

Bobcat, Wilkinson said, is known for being reliable, big, strong machines, and the brand has moved into lawn mowers. The equipment is also serviced at the Jamestown location.

“A big thing that has been popular so far is service and rental. I rent everything from light compaction to large excavators,” Wilkinson said.

The sales specialist added that renting is popular because not a lot of people want to own bigger machines, and that for the rental price, and length of rental, it may be a better investment.

“Especially when you are a contractor,” Wilkinson noted.

And because there are three other locations, if a customer comes to the Jamestown location looking for a particular item, and it is not available, Wilkinson said he probably can check the other locations, and find the item there and have it delivered to his location.

Besides Bobcat, Jamestown Turf and Tractor also sells and services Husqvarna, and E-Z-Go products. The store is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information call (716) 790-3612 or email nwilkinson@northeasternequip.com.


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