
Frewsburg Mock Trial Team Finishes Second In Region 1

Back row, from left, are Frewsburg Central School Mock Trial team members Tristan Kelsey, Cash Steward, Griffin Lewis, Adam Spak and Taige Eckwahl. Front row, from left, Eliza Dahlin, Xander Pitts, Coach Tom Nelson, Madasyn Lander, Kelsey Fischer and Mathias Sanfilippo. Frewsburg was also assisted by Amy Thompson.

The Frewsburg Mock Trial Team competed in the New York State Mock Trial Regional Competition recently, finishing second to Clarence High School.

The competition was held at Buffalo City Court. Frewsburg defeated Oakfield-Alabama (Genesee County) in the first trial, then defeated Penfield (Monroe County) in the second trial to advance to the championship round against Clarence (Erie County). Clarence will move on to the state championship in Albany.

Frewsburg defeated Jamestown High SChool in the Chautauqua County Championships in March to advance to the Region 1 championships.

“We had a great season. I’m very proud of the entire team and want to thank them for the hours of hard work and dedication that they gave to prepare for this years’ trial,” said Tom Nelson, Frewsburg mock trial coach.


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