
Boys, Girls Club Announces April Youth Of Month

Winifred Crawford Dibert Boys & Girls Club of Jamestown officials recently announced the club’s April Youth of the Month.

Youth are chosen based on attendance, participation and positive attitude. The Winifred Crawford Dibert Boys & Girls Club is a United Way partner agency.

April’s Youth of the Month are:

Art Room: Kiyomi Ryan, daughter of Alyssa Payne and Jamon Ryan. She is in pre-k at Love Elementary School. She has been a club member for seven months.

Game Room: Sy’Aire Thomas is the son of Yolanda Thomas. He is in eighth grade at Washington Middle School. He has been a club member for six years.

Downstairs Game Room: Jayden Confer is the son of Shilla Stilson and Justin Confer. He is in sixth grade at Washington Middle School. He has been a club member for two years.

Gym: Lakaria Jones is the daughter of Laura DuBois. She is in fifth grade at Washington Middle School. She has been a member for six years.

Swim: Annalise Mancari is the daughter of Chelsea Coulter and Christopher Mancari. She is in second grade at Fletcher Elementary School. She has been a club member for one year.

Computer Room: Amilia Figueroa-Torres is the daughter of Sarah Baca. She is in fifth grade at Jefferson Middle School. She has been a club member for five years.

Special Program (Prevention Programming): Braden Ridgeway is the son of Crystal Clemons and Robert Ridgeway. He is in second grade at Ring Elementary School. He has been a club member for three years.

Special Program (Striders): Bianca Sanchez is the daughter of Jessica Matteson. She is in first grade at Bush Elementary School. She has been a club member for seven months.


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