
Air Force Veteran Honored To Serve

Edward Kirchhoff, during his time in the Air Force, where he served from 1965 to 1967. Submitted photo

Jamestown Air Force Veteran, Edward Kirchhoff, spent his time in the service as both a part of the Air Force and then later on in the Jamestown National Guard.

Kirchhoff served during the time of the Vietnam war, serving from 1965 to 1967. During that time he spent his days on air force bases in Michigan, Germany and France. As a part of the Jamestown National Guard he was deployed to help in New York City after 9/11 and then following that he spent a year at the Letterkenny Army Depot in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.

Kirchhoff joined the National Guard in 1987 and retired in 2004.

“They sent us to New York City after the towers came down,” Kirchhoff said. “My first duty was at the main entrance to the site. We were there for 30 days and were stationed at different areas of the city throughout that timeframe.”

Kirchhoff referred to those 30 days as “an experience”, saying they had long hours and their barracks were on Govenor’s Island, so he and his squadron had to take the ferry back and forth each day.

For his time spent in the Air Force, Kirchhoff said one of his favorite memories was traveling around Europe while stationed there.

“My dad is from Switzerland so I have a lot of relatives still there,” Kirchhoff said. “On my off time I would visit them or go sightseeing. I traveled through Europe a lot during my off days and saw most of it in those two years that I served.”

Kirchhoff was drafted six weeks after graduating from high school. He said it was quite an experience to leave home for the first time.

“After basic training and your first assignment it begins to sink in what you are here to do,” Kirchhoff said. “I was proud to serve. I was going to stay in the Air Force but I came home because my dad was sick.”

He joined the National Guard, and altogether served for 21 and a half years. Kirchhoff said he was lucky to never be deployed to an actual warzone.

“Because of my age in the National Guard I was never deployed,” Kirchhoff said. “I retired at age 60. I was in the National Guard during the time of Iraq and Afghanistan and other people were deployed but I wasn’t. I also served during the Vietnam era and was fortunate to never be sent there.”

Even though he was relieved to go home and not end up in Vietnam, Kirchhoff said he had wanted to stay in the Air Force before his dad got sick, and that he would have ended up in Vietnam if he had.

“It was an emotional flight home,” Kirchhoff said. “My dad was in bad health so I came home. I wanted to stay but I knew my dad needed me.”

After coming home, Kirchhoff’s dad got better and then Kirchhoff struggled to find a job. He ended up traveling to Michigan to work with his dad’s brother and then because of his military background ended up getting a job at the Dow Chemical Company.

“Without my experience and education I had through the Air Force I wouldn’t be where I am today,” Kirchhoff said. “I am now retired with full benefits from the VA that I will have for the rest of my life, which is fortunate because I’ve had a few injuries that would’ve been expensive without that.”

Kirchhoff said he was honored to be able to serve as long as he did, proudly serving for 21 years.He added that he appreciated his experience from basic training and throughout technical school, getting to know people of different ethnicities and races and working and getting along with them every day.

“If parents have kids that want to join it is very rewarding,” Kirchhoff said. “You learn a lot and grow up quickly. There are a lot of opportunities, including a free education.”

Kirchhoff added that once someone starts the free education they are given up to 10 years to finish so they can get a number of degrees if they wish. He said there are a multitude of other benefits to be had, adding that people should always thank those who have served.

“If you see someone with a military hat, tell them thank you for your service,” Kirchhoff said. “I wear a retired military hat and I get that a lot when I go out because I always wear the hat, and have people come up and thank me and shake my hand.”


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