
A Part To Play

Lakewood Kiwanis Club To Celebrate 75th Birthday In June

Pictured are members of the Lakewood Kiwanis Club, which is set to celebrate its 75th birthday on June 15. Submitted photo

LAKEWOOD — The Lakewood Kiwanis Club is set to celebrate its 75th birthday with a special celebration in the middle of June.

The Lakewood charter of the organization was formed on June 15, 1949. Jason Hansen, club past president, said it was formed by a group of businessmen in the Lakewood community, with a focus on helping children.

“The motto is children are priority number one,” Hansen said. “We are a community service group focused on community children. We have scholarships and do community service work. We do what we can for pediatrics, trauma and to educate families of sick children.”

Hansen said Kiwanis is an international organization, with the tagline of improving the world one child and community at a time.

The Lakewood Kiwanis club will be holding their birthday celebration on June 15 at War Vets Recreation, 3431 Fluvanna Avenue. They will be holding a steak fry for anyone who wants to attend. If interested, call the club’s president Cassi Brigham, 716-664-5301.

Hansen said celebrating 75 years is a good way to recognize the organization.

“It’s a good way to commemorate this community service organization in a small community that has managed to sustain itself through changing economic times for that many years,” Hansen said.

The club also has a Junior Kiwanis Club, or Key Club, at Southwestern High School. Hansen said they have many kids from the school involved in that. The club sponsors children every summer to go to camp as well.

Hansen added that they are always looking for more people to join their club.

“We are always looking for qualified members to join us and help sustain the club for another 75 years,” Hansen said. “We are like any other organization, we don’t have people banging on doors to come join us. We would ask any interested person to join and volunteer their time.”

In the future, Hansen said he hopes the club will be able to continue to focus on children in the local area. He added that the club has the ability to make a difference for any child in need.

“I hope we continue to prosper and grow and play a meaningful part in helping children in need in this area,” Hansen said.


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