
Applications For Healthy Homes Program Being Accepted

The city of Jamestown and the Chautauqua County Health Department have received $2 million from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Submitted Photo

The city of Jamestown and Chautauqua County Health Department are working to administer a $2 million Healthy Homes Production grant. The goal of the grant, from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, is to provide capital funding for home improvements.

“We understand that public health is a big priority and issue in Jamestown,” said Crystal Surdyk, city director of development. “We’re trying to get to the root of these problems, and not just give a shot in the arm or put a band-aid on it.”

The Healthy Homes Production grant is set to provide up to $15,000 in funding for home and safety improvement projects with the hopes of not only helping to address health and safety issues for individual homes, but to also improve the quality of housing stock available in the city for rent or purchase.

“The grant does cap-off at $15,000,” Surdyk said. “However, because of inflation and the cost of raw materials we, on a case-by-case basis, will look at projects over the $15,000 cap. The hope is as we treat the root-cause of the health concerns in homes the quality of housing stock improves also.”

Requirements state that homes must have a child residing under the age of 18 or have a resident over the age of 65. If renting, the renter must have permission from the property owner prior to any work being done.

The grant will address: Radon testing and remediation; pest control; allergen control; full housing repairs; minor housing repairs and more. However, lead testing and abatement is not a qualifying criterion for this funding opportunity.

“The county has a separate and comprehensive-led abatement program,” Surdyk said. “Just because you are given one grant does not disqualify applicants from receiving the other one.”

Applications will be accepted through Nov. 21 and can be picked up at City Hall, in the Department of Development, or found online at jamestownny.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Healthy-Homes-Pre-Screen-Final.pdf .

For more information, contact the Department of Development at 716-483-7541.


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