
JCC Trustees To Vote On New Faculty Contract

SUNY Jamestown Community College has negotiated a six-year contract settlement with its Faculty Association. A resolution to approve the terms and conditions of the deal is included on the agenda of today’s board of trustees meeting scheduled for 3 p.m.

Full- and part-time faculty members at the college have been without a contract since August 2019.

The new six-year contract includes the following changes to salaries: no increases for the 2019-20 or 2020-2021 school years; a 7% salary increase, with 4.08% to correct “salary inequities” for full-time faculty, and 5% added to the base salary of part-time faculty for the 2021-22 school year; 3.92% added to the base salary of full-time faculty and 3% added to the base salary of part-time faculty for the 2022-23 school year; and 3% added to the base salary of full- and part-timers for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years.

If ratified, the contract will run through Aug. 31, 2025.

The proposed contract settlement also includes a number of provisions:

¯ January’s assessment day will be conducted by distance technology at all three college locations with August’s assessment day taking place at alternating locations.

¯ with approval, written counseling memos can be removed from someone’s file after two years upon written request.

¯ JCC will provide the Faculty Association with a notice of 45 days any changes to the medical insurance plan.

¯ any retirement request made after the Nov. 1 deadline will make the faculty member ineligible for early retirement incentive compensation and benefits.

¯ language that ties retiree contributions to the cost of medical insurance coverage to be the same as that of an active employee.

If approved, the new contract will resolve one impasse JCC has been handling. Another bargaining unit, the JCC Service Association, also has been looking for salary increases for its members. Like the Faculty Association, non-instructional employees at the college have been without a contract since Aug. 31, 2019, when its three-year deal expired.

A handful of JCC Service Association members have attended past board of trustees meetings to push for a new contract.

Trustees also are expected to vote today on a resolution amending the board’s by-laws. Minor changes to the by-laws were discussed by trustees during their meeting in August.


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