
Signs, Signs, Everywhere Are Signs

In almost everything we do, there are signs we have to follow. There are traffic signs, directional signs, signs that tell us what to do, and what not to do. We look for visible signs when looking for a building, or a store. There are signs that give us warnings, signs that tell us if a place is open or closed, what the hours of operation are, that inform us of upcoming events, meetings, sales, religious services, and inform us of sponsors of, or for, an event. There are thousands of signs that are out there in our daily lives that help us function in what is sometimes a hectic, chaotic, outside world.

There are signs we see when our loved ones may not be feeling well physically or medically. We see this a lot with our children or parents most, and we try very hard to be by their side as they deal with whatever affliction they may be facing at a given time.

We may see signs of someone we know, or maybe don’t know, who may be in need of something, like food, clothing, shelter, companionship, or just a smiling face and some words of encouragement to get through a day.

There are other signs that we encounter in our lives too. Sometimes, we see signs of someone we care about who may be bothered by something they may be facing in their lives. Maybe it is the loss of their job, or their home. Maybe it is their loss of a loved one. Maybe it is a result of an accident of some kind. There are many signs we read in our roles as spouse, significant other, parent, advisor, friend, co-worker, and fellow human being, to name a few.

Being that we care for that person, or those people, we on the outside tend to monitor those signs, and maybe leave hints to that person that we are here if they need to talk or just be there for moral support. Maybe we can help them without them really knowing we were involved, through donations to various groups, organizations, meal centers, church fundraisers, food drives, clothing donations to Salvation Army, Goodwill, Thrift Shops, and Rummage Sales to mention a few of those ways to help someone out.

Sometimes some signs are not right out there in the open. Sometimes the sign creates a feeling in our mind, or gut, that might make us think something isn’t exactly right with someone. Sometimes, people try and weigh what they are seeing and feeling and either make a decision to try and do something, or maybe they are afraid to make a decision as to what to do.

On one of the television shows I watch regularly, maybe an episode of 9-1-1 but I don’t really remember, which show it was, one of the characters spoke the line, “I think people look for signs when they’re afraid of making a choice. Afraid to make the wrong one.”

When choices are in front of us, and we know we will have to make a decision on which path we choose, or which road to travel, or which way to turn, or which shirt to put on, or any other choice we have to make, we, most often, fear that we will make the wrong decision. How many times in our lives have we begun a sentence with, “I should have done this,” or “I should have picked that?” Looking for signs buys us time. It distracts us for a bit from having to take that risk and just making the decision outright, and standing by, rather than questioning, our convictions, and feeling confident in the choice we made.

Signs are extremely helpful in most every aspect of our lives. Signs are necessary, and signs are appreciated. Signs are sometimes misread. Signs are sometimes misinterpreted. Sometimes signs are seen outright, and sometimes signs have to be based on what we feel about people or situations, and hope that we are right in what we think we saw or felt. As we are, so often, told with regards to our health, “Don’t ignore the signs,” that goes for all the signs we see in our lives.

In coaching, often times, we tried to emphasize to our players, especially in baseball, physical errors are going to happen. You see multi-million dollar players bobbling a ball, or making a bad throw. Those things happen. Those we called errors of co-mission. Yes, they can be costly in a game, but the errors made because we weren’t sure of what to do, or were afraid we might make an error of co-mission, so we did nothing, were far more likely to be costly to a team and the game. We called those errors of o-mission.

In life, we’re going to make errors of co-mission, and we’ll also make errors of o-mission The errors of co-mission will result from doing something. Errors of o-mission will result from doing nothing. The important thing is to keep risking the possible co-missions, rather than sitting back increasing the o-missions. Most importantly though, we can’t let fear of making the wrong decision determine which choice we make, but just be sure to look for, and heed, the signs, even ones that carry risk.


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