
Counties Look To Create Subregion In Economic Reopening Push

MAYVILLE — Three counties in the Western New York region want to create a subregion for reopening the economy.

Chautauqua County Executive PJ Wendel discussed Friday during his weekly press conference how officials from Allegany, Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties have requested that the state allow them to create a subregion for reopening.

Wendel said all three counties meet the seven metrics in Gov. Andrew Cuomo Forward New York plan for reopening. Because Cuomo’s plan calls for a regional approach for reopening, Allegany, Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties are not allowed to reopen because they are a part of the Western New York region, which also includes Erie and Niagara counties.

Because of the coronavirus’ impact on the Buffalo area, Western New York only meets five of the seven metrics of Cuomo’s reopening plan.

“We’ve initiated discussions with Cattaraugus and Allegany counties to look at us as a subregion,” Wendel said. “We are not declaring our independence (from Western New York).”

Wendel said he had a discussion with the governor’s office about the subregion plan. Wendel said he was going to discuss the subregion plan with the Western New York Regional Control Room later Friday afternoon.

“The governor’s office has been receptive,” Wendel said. “We’re going to urge for things to be looked at a little more closely.”

Christine Schuyler, county public health director, said infection rates in all three counties is low because of the measures put in place following the outbreak of the coronavirus and because of the low population density.

Schuyler said once Chautauqua County is allowed to reopen, the number of cases will probably increase because people will be moving around more.

“We naturally will see more cases,” she said.

However, Schuyler said the health care system in place in the county can handle an increase in cases. She said, back in March, the goal was to slow the spread of the virus so the health care system could handle the cases, which has been done. She said the goal was never to eradicate the virus.

“That’s not possible,” she said.

Dr. Robert Burke, county physician, said there are hospital beds and intensive care units open in hospitals in the county.

“It’s all there,” he said. “Then comes the questions, ‘Are we ready to open.’ The answer is probably, ‘Yes.'”

Burke said Chautauqua County is ready to take the next step to reopen because it’s a low prevalence area when it comes to the coronarvirus.

“It is obvious we can move ahead with this while being cautious,” he said. “We probably will see a bump up in cases, but we are ready for that.”


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