
Jamestown Police Chief: Crime Down In The City

Jamestown Police Chief Harry Snellings said violent and property crimes were down in the city in 2017. P-J file photo

Jamestown’s leading law enforcement official announced that crime was down in the city during 2017.

On Monday, Harry Snellings, Jamestown Police Department chief and public safety director, said violent crimes and property crimes were both down in the city last year.

Snellings, while addressing the Jamestown City Council Public Safety Committee, said violent crimes — which includes murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault — was down 10.4 percent in 2017 when compared to 2016. Also, 2017 violent crime numbers were down 7.7 percent when compared to the five-year average between 2012-16.

Property crimes, which includes burglary, larceny and motor vehicle theft, were down 17.5 percent in 2017 compared to 2016, Snellings said. When compared to the five-year average, property crime in 2017 was down 22.9 percent.

“Our numbers went significantly down,” Snellings said during the Public Safety Committee meeting.

Snellings also said that the total crime index rate per 1,000 people was at 33.9, which is the lowest rate during the last 25 years. The total crime index rate in 2016 was 40.6 percent, 39.7 in 2015 and 47.8 in 2014.

“Our numbers continue to go down,” Snellings said.

See the Wednesday edition of The Post-Journal for complete coverage.


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