
Area Police Reports


— A Dunkirk resident is facing charges after a motor-vehicle accident early Sunday.

Around 12:02 a.m. deputies responded to Route 380 in the town of Ellicott. Upon arrival deputies located the vehicle and its operator Ryan C. Collins, 24. Through an investigation it was determined that Collins was operating the vehicle while intoxicated. Collins was charged with DWI, moved from lane unsafely, failure to keep right, and speed not reasonable or prudent. Collins suffered apparent minor injuries and was transported to a local hospital for treatment.

Collins will be in Ellicott court at a later date. There were no additional injuries or property damage as a result of this accident.

— FRENCH CREEK — A Pennsylvania woman who struck a deputy during an EMS call is facing charges.

At around 12:15 a.m. Sunday, the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office responded to an address on Old Road to assist the Clymer Fire Department with a call for service. While at the scene, Stephanie L Schoettker, 45, of Butler, became disorderly and struck a Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Deputy with a closed fist.

Schoettker was charged with second-degree harassment and resisting arrest. She will be back in town court later to answer charges.

— HANOVER — A traffic stop on Routes 5 and 20 involving a pickup truck led to charges for an Angola man early Saturday.

The operator of the vehicle was identified as Kyle C. Latimore, 23, who was operating the vehicle while in an intoxicated state. Latimore was charged with DWI per se, DWI and speed in zone. He will answer charges later in town court.


— Ronald L. Decker, 57, of Lakewood is facing two counts of seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance and fourth-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance after officers noted traffic infractions on South Main Street.

Officers made contact with Decker around 1:30 a.m. Friday and during the investigation officers conducted a search of the vehicle. Officer located a quantity of methamphetamine, cocaine and oxycodone pills in the vehicle.

Decker was also charged with failing to stop at a stop sign. He was being held pending arraignment in Jamestown City Court.


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