
Firefighters Praised Following Keller Road Blaze

Lakewood firefighters are pictured last week on Keller Road in the town of Busti, hours into battling a blaze that destroyed two properties and damaged several others. P-J photo by Eric Tichy

LAKEWOOD — The hours of work that went into battling a massive fire that destroyed two properties and damaged several others late last week is being praised by village officials.

What’s even more impressive, Lakewood Mayor Randy Holcomb said of the Thursday fire on Keller Road that kept some firefighters on scene from 2 a.m. until the late morning, is that the department then held an in-person monthly meeting that evening.

“They held their meeting, and they were all there,” Holcomb said. “It’s unbelievable. Me and (village board member) Rich Fischer brought pizza and wings to thank them.”

Firefighters from Lakewood, Ashville, Celoron, Busti, Kiantone and Panama were summoned to Keller Road after fire broke out in one property and quickly spread to a neighboring home. An occupant in one of the properties awoke to crackling sounds and discovered the blaze.

No injuries were reported, though the two homes were destroyed and at least seven sustained siding damage.

“The dedication they displayed was exceptional,” said Holcomb, noting in particular the efforts of the firefighters that provided assistance early that morning and Lakewood Fire Chief Kurt Hallberg.

“To be on that scene as long as they were and then to be at their meeting that evening is just amazing,” Holcomb said. “They didn’t miss a beat afterward. They were in a good frame of mind, and I’m sure they were exhausted. But these guys, they are one of the leading departments in calls in the county.”

The department has been called back to Keller Road more than once for concerns of a rekindle. It’s further proof, the mayor said, of the department’s dedication to serving and protecting the community.

“It starts right at the top,” the mayor said of Hallberg, who also received praised from Fischer.

The Chautauqua County Fire Investigation Team has been looking into the cause of the fire.


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