
Council To Review Parks, DPW Budgets

Budget deliberations will continue before Monday’s City Council voting session.

Budget for the city Parks, Public Works and Corporation Counsel’s departments will be reviewed at 6 p.m. in the police training room on the fourth floor of City Hall.

The council’s voting session will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the council’s chambers on the second floor of City Hall. Two separate resolutions that both relate to housing are a part of the agenda for the voting session on Monday.

The first resolution authorizes Jamestown Mayor Kim Ecklund to sign any documents related to the submission of the New York State Homes and Community Renewal Vacant Rental Improvement Program. The city’s housing committee has submitted an application for a grant through this program for a total of $2.9 million. The grant will help renovate local vacant rental homes in the city. The resolution also authorizes the mayor to execute all necessary documents with New York State should the city get approved for the grant.

The second resolution is looking for the authority to designate a Fair Housing Officer. As an entitled Housing and Urban Development Community, the city of Jamestown receives Federal HUD funds and applies for New York State funds. A Fair Housing Officer is required to be appointed in order to ensure the city is addressing issues and adhering to the Fair Housing Act, or Title III of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. This allows the city to remain eligible for funding in compliance with state and federal regulations. The Fair Housing Officer will provide fair housing advisory services and assistance, along with referral advice to those requesting that type of assistance.

Also on the agenda for the Monday night voting sessions is the establishment of a local law to allow the city to exceed the tax cap levy of 2%, a resolution saying the city supports the Lakes Before Turbines Act, which is against putting wind turbines in local bodies of water, and a supporting resolution to include Jamestown Community College’s new athletic complex project as a part of the SUNY executive budget for 2025-2026.

There were two late additions Friday afternoon to the council’s agenda.

The council will be asked to take action on a change to previously authorized American Rescue Plan Act spending on a new YMCA Building. The $200,000 in ARPA money had been designated for the YMCA’s planned building on Harrison Street. That project is no longer active, with the YMCA looking to partner with Jamestown Community College on a combined project. The JLDC approved during its meeting last week reallocating the $200,000 from the Harrison Street project to the combined project at JCC. Any ratification of ARPA funding costing more than $100,000 requires council approval.

Council members will also be asked to approve a $150,000 JLDC loan to Monroe & More LLC. The city loan is part of a $245,600 project that will help Monroe & More purchase new equipment and machinery to expand its business.

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