
Westfield Seeks Input To Help Define Community Priorities

A meeting on Westfield’s future will be Sept. 17

WESTFIELD — The village and town of Westfield invite all residents, business owners and other local stakeholders to attend a public meeting at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 17, to share ideas that will provide direction for local government priorities for the next decade. The meeting will be held at Eason Hall Auditorium, 23 Elm St.

At this meeting, the project’s steering committee and consulting team will share early results from a community survey, which is now open at surveymonkey.com/r/WestfieldPlan, and engage attendees in workshop activities to discern which key issues should be at the center of the next long-range plan for the village and town.

The communities are working together on a joint Implementable Comprehensive Plan that will include a vision, targeted strategies and stepwise action plans for the issues residents identify as being most important. This could include business district vitality, attracting and retaining young people, land development issues, economic opportunity or other areas of concern. The planning process is in its beginning phase, so now is an ideal time for residents and other interested parties to learn more and get involved.

The public meeting builds on community engagement efforts that have encouraged everyone to complete the survey, either online at the address above or on paper copies that are available at the Village and Town offices. As the plan begins to take shape, there will be additional opportunities to contribute to its direction and respond to what develops. Future news and notification on ways to participate will be posted at westfieldny.com.

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