
Randolph Central Announces Wall Of Fame ‘24 Honorees

RANDOLPH — Randolph Central School has released four names to be honored on the school’s Wall of Fame for 2024.

This year’s honorees include: athlete Brooke Adams Langworthy, EJ Brace for their professional accomplishments, Louise Freeman as a Teacher, Civic Affairs and Halle Lienhart for Professional Military accomplishments. The awards ceremony is set for Oct 5.

Superintendent Kaine Kelly said the purpose of the program is to honor graduates from the school who have distinguished themselves in a specific field of endeavor, such as civic affairs, humanitarian affairs, or activities which merit special recognition. Honorees can include current or past staff members, current or past Board of Education members and community members who have had a positive impact on the school or community.

“This honor is not exclusively an athletic honor,” Kelly said. “However, those who are known for their athletic contributions may be inducted.”

Kelly added that the hope for the program is that future graduates will see the inductees as people worthy of emulation.

“We believe the Wall of Fame helps instill a sense of pride in our community while sharing the successes of our past graduates,” Kelly said.

Nomination forms to nominate someone for next year’s Wall of Fame can be obtained by contacting Randolph CSD’s main office at (716)358-7058, or by links on the website. A nominating committee of administrators, staff and community residents will select the inductees from applications submitted by members of the public.

The honorees receive a plaque with a brief description of their accomplishments, with a duplicate plaque placed on the Wall of Fame at Randolph High School. The induction ceremony for the four honorees this year on Oct 5 will be held at the Cardinal Hills Golf Course reception hall at 6 p.m.


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