
Southwestern Appoints New Middle School Principal

Greg Lauer, the new Southwestern Middle School principal, is pictured. P-J file photo

The Southwestern Central School Board of Education has approved the hiring of Greg Lauer to serve as the district’s middle school principal.

Lauer has served as assistant principal and athletic director at Fredonia Central School District since 2021 and is a former longtime teacher and Science Department instructional leader there. Lauer was offered the Southwestern Middle School principal job following four rounds of interviews including screenings by leadership, teachers, support staff plus team interviews by student, teacher and leadership groups.

Outgoing SWMS Principal Rich Rybicki retired in June following 27 years of service as an educator and administrator.

Lauer is excited to get started in his new role and kick off the 2024-2025 academic year with an eye on strengthening relationships.

“Southwestern is a phenomenal district with a lot of school pride and emphasis on student achievement,” says Lauer. “My early priorities will be to establish relationships right away with the Southwestern community including staff, students, parents, administrators and local community members that have influence in the district.”

Over the summer, Lauer plans to start evaluating areas where his leadership strengths can help continue moving the middle school in a positive direction.

“My wife, Amy, and children, Abigail and Thomas, have been very supportive of me in this move to a different district and position,” says Lauer. “I’m also thankful to Darrin Paschke and my close colleagues at Fredonia for their help and guidance.”


Lauer earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from The State University at Fredonia in 2001 then earned a master’s degree in education from D’Youville College in Buffalo in 2002.

He began his career teaching physics and chemistry at Holland High School from 2002-2005 before teaching physics at Fredonia High from 2005-2021. He was also an instructional leader in the Science Department at Fredonia and an executive board member of the Fredonia Teachers Association.

His extensive athletics experience includes coaching basketball, track and field, and volleyball at the Fredonia, Holland and Clarence school districts and a stint as the student assistant men’s basketball coach at Fredonia State in 2000-2001. His foray into administration began in 2015 as an intern at Fredonia High prior to being appointed Director of Athletics in 2017. He was named assistant principal of Fredonia High in 2021.

Lauer holds permanent teaching certifications in physics, chemistry, biology and general science. He also has initial certification as a school building leader and professional certification as a school district leader. He earned certificates of advanced study in School Building Leadership in 2017 and in School District Leadership in 2023, both from Fredonia State.

Professional affiliations include membership in the New York State Athletic Administrators Association (NYSAA), Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS), and National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), for which he has also presented at national conferences in 2009 and 2010.

Additionally, Lauer is a certified Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED instructor and volunteers for the community by serving as a board member for the Recreation Department for the Village of Fredonia.


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