
Panama Accepts DirtWorx Sidewalk Bid For Sidewalk Project

The village of Panama discussed sidewalk bids at their most recent meeting. P-J photo by Sara Holthouse

PANAMA — The village of Panama has accepted a bid from DirtWorx Excavating for the village’s upcoming sidewalk project.

The board had asked the company for a quote, with currently $35,000 to work with in the budget. The quote was given for the cost of doing 200 feet in a random area and 400 feet on Wesleyan Street. Discussion focused on that last time the board wanted to ask for 200 feet for both, and that it would be a good option for them to still do the 400 feet on Wesleyan to continue work already done there. Other questions included where the priority is for the random, specifically if North Street needs to be the priority or School Street.

“We have to think about this very carefully, because what you have to understand is he is cutting us a deal,” Mayor William Schneider, who called into the meeting, said. “If he does a straight run on Wesleyan Street it’s less equipment and … in contracting, if you’re doing that job, it’s easier to keep going up and costs you less money in the long run than if you do 200 and then 200 next year.”

The board then discussed if it would be better to focus on just Wesleyan Street. Wesleyan and the random sidewalk bid totals about $9,000 more than the board has in their budget.

“That’s why I am saying we need to look at some of our balances and some of our other things,” Schneider said. “Does it behoove us to go forward with that and have it all done?”

Schneider said it would most likely be Wesleyan and the skinny sidewalk on North Street. He added that it is a good deal and that they could use their reserve funds or CHIPS funds to cover the extra. DirtWorx also has the contract in Clymer, so Schneider said that means the company must be doing a good job. The board has an additional around $7,000 in the COVID relief fund set aside for public safety that has not been allocated.

The board decided to go with the quote for 400 feet on Wesleyan Street and 200 feet somewhere else. Board member Kim Davis noted that Wesleyan Street has only been done around the corner at the moment, and that adding more to it is a good plan. Harmony Highway Superintendent Brian Manwaring will be the go-to person to talk with DirtWorx.

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