
Village Trustees OK Lake Management Fees

From left Lakewood Trustee Ben Troche, Mayor Randy Holcomb, Trustee Richard Fischer, and Trustee Ellen Barnes discuss village business Monday. P-J photo by Michael Zabrodsky

LAKEWOOD – As part of its lake management association fees, the Lakewood Board of Trustees unanimously approved Monday $5,000 for the Chautauqua Lake Association, the Chautauqua Lake Partnership, and the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy.

The CLA will receive $2,000, the CLP will receive $2,000 and the CWC will receive $1,000.

At a future meeting the trustees will discuss fees for herbicide treatment for parts of Chautauqua Lake that fall with the village’s boundaries.

Trustee Ellen Barnes noted that the CLP is one of two organizations that are fighting to keep the lake a lake.

“They are the group that is actively working to keep the lake as a lake and do what is necessary for any potential disruption, and major changes to the lake,” Barnes said.

In 2022, according to the New York State Department of Conservation, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed into law historic revisions to New York’s Freshwater Wetlands Act. New York’s original Freshwater Wetlands Act was enacted in 1975 to regulate activities near larger wetlands, greater than 12.4 acres, and smaller wetlands considered to be of unusual local importance. The new wetlands law eliminates the use of the old, inaccurate wetland maps and clarifies that all wetland areas greater than 12.4 acres are subject to Article 24 regulations. Freshwater wetlands are lands and submerged lands – commonly called marshes, swamps, sloughs, bogs, and flats – that support aquatic or semi-aquatic vegetation.

As previously reported in The Post-Journal, state Sen. George Borrello, R-Sunset Bay, and Assemblyman Andy Goodell, R-Jamestown support legislation Borrello has already introduced in the state Senate to declare freshwater lakes exempt from wetlands regulations signed into law by Hochul.

Goodell also has said it’s noteworthy that Chautauqua Lake is one of two lakes across the state that have a line item appropriation in the state budget, with the Chautauqua Lake Association and Chautauqua Lake Partnership each receiving money. Goodell gave credit to Hochul for helping Goodell and Borrello secure that money in the budget when she was serving as lieutenant governor.

Trustees also approved expanding services Clinton Brown Architecture, PC. They OK’d an agreement for village hall interior rehabilitation programming services in the amount of $16,500.

In August 2023, trustees tabled a decision to expand services with the firm citing they wanted more time to study information provided by Ted McCague, village historic preservation committee chairman.

McCague said in 2014 the village began the comprehensive planning process for long-term preservation of the village’s historic building. Recently the Village Hall was listed on the New York State Register of Historic Places.

In response to a letter to the editor from a Post-Journal reader, the reader wanted to know what are the steps to add a “No Turn on Red” sign at the intersection of Fairmount Avenue and Fairdale Avenue.

According to Lakewood-Busti Police Chief Chrisopher DePonceau, representatives from the New York State Department of Transportation would have to begin a traffic study. After the study is complete, the state DOT would determine whether or not the sign is warranted.

In other news:

The beach at Richard O. Hartley Park is scheduled to open on June 28. The beach will be open Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. with extended hours on Thursdays until 7 p.m. Trustees also approved the hiring of lifeguards that is contingent on passing an upcoming lifeguard exam. The recent hires are Evelyn Montagna at $16.50 per hour; Jacob John at $15 per hour; Donavan Brown at $15 per hour; Trey Faulk at$15 per hour; Stella Hren at $15 per hour; Miles Moore at $15 per hour; Grady Moore at $15 per hour; and Korbinn Sinischo at $15 per hour.

– The next board of trustees meeting is scheduled for June 24.

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