STEM Wars To Feature Career Fair, Technology Expo Wednesday

Local employers including Robert Dahlin of Weber Knapp share information regarding career opportunities in manufacturing. Submitted photo
STEM Wars 2024 launches this Wednesday in a new location and with an expanded agenda.
This year STEM Wars will feature two days of event programming at the Northwest Arena in Jamestown. A new feature of the programming is a Career Fair and Technology Expo that will be open to the public, starting at 3 p.m. and ending at 6 p.m. on rink A at the Northwest Arena on Wednesday.
“This is an opportunity for community members, job seekers and technology enthusiasts to learn more about products made locally and explore emerging technologies and learn how it is being integrated into today’s advanced manufacturing,” said Todd Tranum, Executive Director of the Manufacturers Association and President of Dream It Do It Western New York. “We invite our community members to stop in and learn about the manufacturers in our area and careers opportunities they offer, as well as explore the wide range of products made right here in our community and how these companies are leveraging technology in the workplace.”
STEM Wars 2024 is a production of Dream It Do It Western New York and the New York State Technology and Engineering Educators Association, Chautauqua County Chapter. Sponsors include Blackstone Advanced Technologies, the Chautauqua Partnership for Economic Growth, Chautauqua Works, Cummins, the Gebbie Foundation, the Manufacturers Association of the Southern Tier, the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation and Weber Knapp.