
Local School Districts Pass Budgets Following Vote

Following budget votes across the state on Tuesday, all local school districts passed their budgets for the upcoming school year.

Statewide, New York voters approved 97.3% of proposed school district budgets, according to preliminary results compiled by the New York State School Boards Association.

“New York voters continue to support their school budgets in large numbers, and our Association greatly appreciates that support,” NYSSBA Executive Director Robert Schneider said. “Voters understand that their boards of education are crafting spending plans that maximize student services and programs while balancing the ability of their local taxpayers to pay.”

Locally, the results of each school district’s budget votes are as follows:

Bemus Point passed their budget with 139 yes votes and 52 no votes. The bus proposition passed 130 to 62. Board member results saw Margaret Spence with 135 votes, Shawn Hricko with 152 and Kathleen Collver with 153.

Brocton’s budget passes with 124 yes votes and 45 nos. Matthew Brady won his board seat with 137 votes and 70 votes for a write-in candidate.

In Cassadaga Valley, the budget passed 293 to 83. The purchase of school buses was approved 292 to 70 and the authorization of the local library funding request was also approved 263 to 103. For the board seats, Jeanne Oag received 172 votes and Dylan Runge received 191.

Chautauqua Lake’s budget passes 226 yes to 73 no. Board candidates selected to a three-year term are Mike Ludwig and Jessup Baker.

Clymer’s results saw the budget pass 85 to 20, with the establishment of a capital improvements reserve fund passing 83 to 22. Carole Siverling ran uncontested for a five year term board seat.

In Dunkirk, the budget passed 329 to 172. The capital project facilities renovations and upgrades project passed 304 to 188. The athletic facilities upgrades project passed 298 to 205 and the district-wide cooling project for all buildings passed 254 to 246. The sale of 88-92 East Fourth Street, aka Boorady Education Center passed 338 to 159. Board members elected were Claudia Szczerbacki with 421 votes and Loretta Slation Torain with 391.

Falconer’s budget passed 122 to 21. The approval of an ex-officio student member of the board of education passed 128 to 15. Board of education members approved for five year terms were Tracy Schrader with 133 votes and Marcella Centi with 117 votes.

Forestville passed their budget 129 to 32. The bus purchase passed 129 to 31. The capital project passed 128 to 31. Rachel Locke was elected to a four-year term with 88 votes over Jessica Tenamore’s 55 votes.

Fredonia’s budget passed 445 to 226. Lisa Powell Fortna and Jerry Kinney were elected to the board of education.

Frewsburg’s budget passed along with the bus purchase. Larry Ledestro and Mike LeBaron were elected to the board.

Gowanda’s budget, vehicle purchase from reserve fund, establishment of a capital reserve, funding of the repair reserve fund and library budget all passed. Max Graham, Sue Bettker and Crista Monat were elected to the board of education.

Jamestown’s budget passed 340 to 66. The creation of a $5 million capital reserve fund passed 341 to 49. Frank Galeazzo, Joseph Calimeri and Nina Karbacka were elected to the board, with Calimeri and Karbacka to serve three year terms and Galeazzo’s term to end in June 2025.

Panama’s budget passed 123 to 21, with the public library funding proposition passing 106 to 39. Carrie Munsee was elected to a five year board of education term.

Pine Valley voters passed their budget, with votes coming in at 109 to 63. Board of education member Raymond Hadley had 138 votes, Terry Howe 154 votes and Rose Kruszka 128 votes.

Randolph passed their budget at 201 to 53 votes. Lacey Pihlblad and Eric Brown were elected to the board.

Ripley’s budget passed along with the bus purchase. Shaun Waters was elected to the board.

Sherman’s budget passed 304 to 128 with the bus purchase passing at 321 to 110. Brooke Long was elected to one five year term for the board of education.

Silver Creek’s budget passed 364 to 158. The bus proposition passed 287 to 235. Brian Boedo and Matt Bogosian were elected to five year terms.

Southwestern voters passed the budget 475 to 112. School bus and related equipment purchases passed 464 to 123. Library budgets passed 448 to 142. Elizabeth Laczi, Michael Carothers and write-in candidate Josh Gesing will fill the three board of education vacancies for a three year term.

Westfield’s budget passed 427 to 83. Phyllis Hagen, Deanne Manzella, and Timothy Roets were elected to fill three board seats.


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