
Filling A ‘Gap’: Cummins Helps Creche Donate Newborn Sleep Sacks To UPMC Chautauqua

From left are Jennifer Lundmark, Cummins Jamestown Engine Plant community relations coordinator; Dawn Columbare, chair of the Creche’s Child Health promotion; Marion Beckerink of the Creche Fundraising Committee; and, Dawn Pickett, UPMC Chautauqua Maternity Care Center unit director.
Jennifer Lundmark, Cummins Jamestown Engine Plant community relations coordinator, is pictured with a in sleepsack.

A community grant award from Cummins Inc.’s Jamestown Engine Plant is helping The Creche Inc. to purchase newborn sleep sacks for infants born at UPMC Chautauqua.

Creche members Dawn Columbare and Marion Beckerink were able to thank Jennifer Lundmark recently on behalf of Cummins JEP for the company’s $4,950 grant. The Jamestown Engine Plant’s community grant enabled Creche to pay 70% of the cost to order and purchase 500 new sleep sacks for every infant born at UPMC Chautauqua in Jamestown. The sleep sacks arrived in May to make sure babies stay warm while keeping loose blankets out of the crib to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. The ongoing donation and delivery of the sleep sacks to UPMC Chautauqua has been one of many ways in which Creche seeks to care for infants and children in southern Chautauqua County.

The grant from Cummins allowed Creche to purchase almost one year’s supply of sleep sacks.

Creche also used the occasion to present UPMC Chautauqua maternity ward nurses Dawn Pickett and Amanda Hagg with diapers, baby wipes, socks and blankets donated and collected by Creche members during their spring tri-annual meeting. Among their many other full-time nursing duties, Pickett and Hagg make sure every new mother and baby receive these items whenever there is a need.

Creche is a non-profit organization established in 1900 by local Jamestown women to provide on-going support to fill any ‘gap needs’ for infants, children and youth. To date, the organization of dedicated women continues to provide childcare needs, beds, educational supplies, holiday gifts and countless other needs that cannot be timely met by other organizations. Learn more at www.crecheforkids.org


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