
Annual Flag Placing At Soldier Circle Is Thursday

Flags are pictured throughout Soldier’s Circle in Lakeview Cemetery. This year’s flag placing ceremony will take place Thursday. Submitted photo

The United Veterans Council of Jamestown invites the public to attend a special ceremony honoring veterans and their service by placing American flags at Soldier Circle in Lakeview Cemetery at 4 p.m. Thursday.

“This ceremony is a heartfelt tribute to the brave men and women who have served our country,” said Mayor Kimberly Ecklund, who will be in attendance. “We encourage everyone in the community to join us in honoring our veterans.”

The flag placement ceremony is a city tradition that allows the community to come together in recognition of the sacrifices made by veterans. A small ceremony will commence, and following the ceremony, flags will be distributed for placement at the graves of fallen soldiers, ensuring their contributions are remembered and celebrated.

The United Veterans Council of Jamestown is seeking individuals who can donate their time to help place flags. Your contribution will ensure that every veteran’s sacrifice is honored with dignity and respect.

For additional information or to volunteer, call Melodie Paladino at 716-450-6768.


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