
Ripley Holds On Taxes In School Budget Plan

Superintendent William Caldwell

RIPLEY — Ripley Central School Board of Education members approved a 2024-25 proposed budget with no increase in taxes at their meeting this month.

Ripley Superintendent William Caldwell reviewed the budget summary and noted that the $9,651,574 budget is only $42,161 more than the current budget. “Since I came on six years ago, we have not raised taxes, which has been our commitment,” he said.

Caldwell told board members that there were increases in contractual salaries, as well as educational salaries, supplies and employee benefits. However, these were partly offset by a decrease in debt service and an increase of $50,000 in earnings on investments.

Overall, Caldwell said, there was an $81,792 decrease in revenue, coupled with the increase in expenditures, this left an amount of $123,953, which will be taken from the appropriated fund balance.

In other business, board members approved special educator Daniel Kondrick for tenure as a teaching assistant. Kondrick has recently completed his undergraduate degree, earning dual certification as both an elementary teacher and a special educator.

In his letter of recommendation, Ripley Principal Micah Oldham praised Kondrick for his “unwavering dedication and remarkable talent in his roles at RCS, first as a teachers’ aid, and subsequently, as a teachers’ assistant, since 2020.”

Oldham went on to say that Kondrick has “consistently demonstrated a love for children and a steadfast commitment to their success.” He especially extolled Kondrick’s work in STEM, his air rocket center and his leadership in the Maker Club, which “has been a source of pride for our district. Ripley students have become known for their engaging activities during Take-and-Make sessions, thanks to Dan’s enthusiastic guidance.”

In other matters, Oldham told board members that Ripley students have wrapped up the Kids Heart Challenge and have raised $5,000 for the American Heart Association. “This exceeds last years’ fund raising by $500,” he said.

Ripley also ranked in the top 25% of schools in the fitness challenge, Oldham said. Grades three and five participated in the challenge. Oldham said that, because of their achievement, they have received a free assembly with Kevin McCarthy.

McCarthy is a professional musician and entertainer who has been inducted into the Buffalo Music Hall of Fame after 25 years of performing. He has played with major acts, including Crash Test Dummies and the Proclaimers, and he opened for Rick Springfield. The concert at RCS will take place in May, Oldham said.

Oldham also said the school has been recommended as a Rising Star School in the Capturing Kids’ Hearts Program. He commended teachers and staff for how they have embraced this program. “They’ve taken off and ran with it,” he said.


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