
City Council Discusses Upcoming Special Events

Dismissal of a lawsuit in state Supreme Court means the Labyrinth Summer Music Series will resume this year.

The music series was approved by members of the City Council’s Public Safety Committee earlier this week along with several other special events. Councilman Jeff Russell, R-At Large and committee chairman, said the Labyrinth Summer Music Series, to be held on various dates and times from May 1 to Sept 30. Performances will be on the top landing of their outdoor staircase with occasional musicians roaming with a microphone to interact with patrons.

“This has occurred every year and it’s great to have that there to enjoy music outside and dining outside,” Russell said.

A lawsuit filed by downtown residents Gary and Donna Templin against the two restaurants was dismissed by state Supreme Court Judge Grace Hanlon on Oct. 23. The Templins, who have long said events downtown make it difficult for them to enjoy their property, had been asking state Supreme Court in Mayville stop Labyrinth and Brazil from playing any music in the outdoor area that creates a nuisance and to find the restaurants’ actions intentional when they refuse to turn down their music. The Templins were also asking the court to award costs and attorneys fees.

Andrew Goodell, the lawyer representing the restaurants, argued in his Memorandum of Law filing on Aug. 8 that Labyrinth hasn’t violated the terms of its special event application approved earlier this year by the City Council’s Public Safety Committee and has yet to be cited for violating either the permit or the city noise ordinance. Goodell also noted affidavits with several neighbors – including the Rev. Luke Fodor of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church; John Barber, vice president of operations and chief operating officer of the Jamestown YMCA, which operates 24 apartments in the neighborhood; and Nina Bell, owner of an Airbnb that operates directly above the Labyrinth Press Company and Brazil Lounge – saying they haven’t been impacted by the live music.

The second special event discussed was the Faith and Blue Community Event to be held May 11 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Jackson-Taylor Park. Russell said the event is being put on by Sheriff James Quattrone and will involve recorded music and sharing faith, with anyone welcome to attend.

Move CHQ will be held on May 25 from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m. throughout the City of Jamestown and parts of the town of Ellicott. Maps were provided to the council. The Jamestown Police Department will be involved for traffic control. There was a cost for the police presence that is being taken care of by the event organizers.

For the River Revival Event, set for June 29 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. at McCrea Point Park, some questions remain.

“There was a question brought up if there’s going to be beer or wine being served at that event” Russell said. “The concern I had was, how is that going to be regulated, is it going to be roped off? Are there going to be bracelets? Who’s checking ID? We really weren’t quite sure on that, so we did table that until we can get those questions answered.”

Russell said he was going to make some calls to get more information before the committee pushes the event through.

The last special event discussed was Fireworks at Tarp Skunks Games on July 1 and July 26, following the games at Russell E. Diethrick Park. This is an annual event being done through the same company that does it every year.

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