
Holiday Sensory Overload

Wizards Of Winter To Perform At The Reg Lenna

The Wizards of Winter will be performing Friday at The Reg Lenna Center for the Arts, 116 E. Third St. Submitted photo

What started as a charity event 13 years ago, has morphed into a must-see holiday show.

“It’s kind of like a holiday show, Broadway show, and rock concert all rolled up into one. There’s definitely something for everybody,” said Steve Brown.

Brown is one of the lead guitarists for the Wizards of Winter who will be performing Friday at 7:30 p.m. at The Reg Lenna Center for the Arts, 116 E. Third St.

Brown said the band performs original music, and does not cover seasonal holiday songs. There is a story line and a production complete with keyboards, flutes, violins, electric guitars, electric bass, and drums.

“It’s an incredible, incredible holiday sensory overload,” Brown said.

According to wizardsofwinter.com, the band was originally formed in 2010 by husband and wife team composer and keyboardist Scott Kelly and lead vocalist and flute Sharon Kelly, as a way to give back to their hometown community food pantry that was in dire need of assistance. However, what was once a band that was comprised simply of a group of friends looking to help others in need, has now turned into a musical force that crosses the nation each year. The quality of the band’s original music combined with its message, has attracted world class talent that have performed with groups like The Trans-Siberian Orchestra, The Irish Tenors, Trixter, Def Leppard, Blue Oyster Cult, The Guess Who, Rainbow, Alice Cooper Band and Broadway who now join them on stage.

Other members of the band are lead guitarist Fred Gorhau, drummer John O’Reilly, bassist Greg Smith, keyboardist and vocalist Alexis Smith, lead vocalist Guy LeMonnier, lead vocalist Manny Cabo, narrator Tony Gaynor, violinist and vocalist Michelle Winters, and saxophonist and vocalist Shawnee Marie.

Brown, who was the founding member of Trixter, said Gaynor tells the story of the Christmas Dream written by Scott and Sharon.

“It truly is a Christmas rock opera comprised of music from our three original albums and select songs from our upcoming fourth release.” Scott Kelly said via the website. “We take the audience on a musical journey inside a snow globe in search of the meaning of Christmas. Some parts of the story are happy, some are melancholy; our music encompasses the vast range of feelings people experience during the holiday season. It is an emotional roller coaster ride, told through original compositions that range from ballads to prog-metal.”

Scott Kelly also noted that concert goers looking for an extravagant light show and the associated gimmicks or vocal harmonies augmented by backing tracks, will be disappointed.

“At a Wizards of Winter show, you get a group of world class musicians having fun, while delivering an action packed performance that has something in it for every member of the family. The band’s passion for the music and raw energy emanating from the stage is clearly evident and quite infectious. It never fails to draw the audience in, bringing them to their feet clapping along and cheering every night,” Scott Kelly added.

The Wizards of Winter music is featured on Sirius XM, Pandora, and Music Choice.

Brown added that it is a labor of love for all of the band’s members to be performing in the show, “We know how lucky we are to get to do this.”

Brown also wants people to enjoy the band’s message: enjoy this time of year, enjoy your family, and enjoy your friends.

“It’ll take you away from the heartaches of everyday living,” Brown said of the band’s music.

Tickets for the concert are available in person and by phone 716-484-7070, Monday and Friday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesday 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Reg Lenna box office. For more information visit reglenna.com.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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