
Lakewood Board Appoints New Village Clerk

From left Lakewood Village Board Trustee Ben Troche, Mayor Randy Holcomb, Trustee Richard Fischer, and Trustee Ellen Barnes look over documents. P-J photo by Michael Zabrodsky

LAKEWOOD — In a special meeting Sept. 29, Lakewood Village Board of Trustees approved the appointment of Apryl Troutman as new village clerk.

Troutman is currently an employee of the village as the village treasurer. She was also appointed as the village’s registrar of vital statistics. Deputy clerk Krysten Sisson was appointed as deputy registrar.

Trustees held a public hearing prior to the meeting to create new laws establishing new positions in the clerk’s and treasurer’s offices. Trustee Ben Troche noted the new positions are by title as the village has the same number of employees and is not adding any. Trustee Ellen Barnes said that many municipalities across New York state are in similar situations. Barnes said that the new laws get filed at the state and Chautauqua County Human Resources departments.

Mayor Randy Holcomb said that the village clerk, village treasurer, deputy village clerk and deputy village treasurer positions are two-year terms. Holcomb also said that because the new laws have to get filed with the state, Troutman is appointed on an interim basis.

On Sept. 11, trustees accepted the resignation of former Village Clerk Marrie Currie who retired. Currie’s last day was Sept. 30; she had been a full-time employee of the village since March 1, 2000.

Due to the Columbus Day holiday that will fall on Oct. 9, the next board meeting is scheduled for Oct. 10 at 6:30 p.m.


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