
Pa., Warren County Won’t Release Jail Report After Escape

WARREN, Pa. — Warren County officials will not be disclosing whether there have been any staffing changes in the wake of Michael Burham’s escape from the Warren County Jail.

Solicitor Nathaniel Schmidt read a prepared statement on behalf of the Prison Board at the outset of the board’s meeting Wednesday. He said the board “supports the effort of prosecutorial agencies (and) patiently hopes to see justice accomplished.”

Schmidt stressed the Prison Board, warden and staff have “cooperated and will continue to cooperate with Burham’s” prosecution. He noted the board received a report from the state Department of Corrections that included “multiple recommendations” for the jail.

“The board, along with the warden and staff have begun implementing steps on those recommendations,” he said.

However, citing the connection between those recommendations and the security of the facility, Schmidt said “this document and specific recommendations must remain confidential.”

He stated the board has commenced a “meticulous and complete review of the event” that included establishing a timeline and a review of all relevant policies and operations.

Schmidt said the review also included consideration of any recommended employment actions.

“This material must also remain confidential,” he said. “The prison board is absolutely committed to ensuring an event similar to the Burham escape never happens again.”

Warden Rusty Barr said the current population of the county jail is 94.

“Overtime is up,” he said. “July was obviously up, significantly higher than normal.”

He told the board that an emphasis on training continues.

“We want to have as much training as possible,” he said. “(We) try to make sure staff is prepared for everything. (We) continue with the training on top of everything else.”

Warren County Commissioner Ben Kafferlin said the board met in executive session related to the incident at least three times.

The Times Observer filed a Right to Know request in the wake of the escape for the most recent state inspection of the facility. After requesting a 30-day extension, the county denied that request, citing security concerns as well as involvement in ongoing criminal and non-criminal investigations.

A spokesperson with the Department of Corrections said that the reports are “not public information” and the decision whether to release a report is up to the county.

Burham escaped from the jail July 6 and remained at large until he was taken into custody July 15.


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