
Human Rights Committee To Co-Sponsor Juneteenth Event

The Human Rights Commission unanimously approved a motion to co-sponsor a Juneteenth event with the National Comedy Center. The cost of the Human Rights Commission’s sponsorship is $425. Pictured are members of the Human Rights Commission. Screenshot by Timothy Frudd

The Human Rights Commission is hoping to continue to engage in community by co-sponsoring a Juneteenth event this year.

Following the success of the Human Rights Commission’s sponsorship of the Jamestown Jackals pre-season game in February, the commission unanimously approved a motion to co-sponsor a Juneteenth event with the National Comedy Center.

Kimberly Knight, a teacher and member of the commission, explained that as a member of the Juneteenth Planning Commission, she has been working with the National Comedy Center to organize a Juneteenth event featuring “The Nutty Professor” with Eddie Murphy. The event is scheduled for June 19.

“I’ve been talking with Gary Hahn from the Comedy Center, and he was very excited to work with us, and I thought this would be great for the Human Rights to help co-sponsor the movie with the Comedy Center,” Knight said. “The price that we would contribute would be $425.”

Knight explained that the city would close off the street for the event, allowing the Juneteenth Planning Committee to host a concession stand outside with a variety of “candy and soda.” She added that the National Comedy Center might plan additional activities for the event.

According to Knight, the Human Rights Commission’s role would be to contribute $425 to co-sponsor the movie and to attend the event, which she said would most likely begin between 6-7 p.m., with the movie playing for an hour and a half or two hours.

“We could have our booth out like we did at the Jackals game with our brochures, mingle with the crowd and educate a little on Juneteenth,” she said.

Knight said the Human Rights Commission would also need to provide the National Comedy Center with its logo, which would be displayed on the “big screens” as an “advertisement” prior to the movie. Knight is also hoping the Human Rights Commission can partner with the Young Women Christian Association and the LSA staff for the Juneteenth event as well.

“I just think that would be another great community event,” she said. “That’s how we will get our name out, like at the Jackals game, and hopefully it would be a win-win for everyone.”

Bill Torres, another member of the Human Rights Commission, said that he attended the Juneteenth event last year and noted that “everybody had a great time” at the event.

In addition to the Juneteenth movie event on June 19, Knight said the Juneteenth Planning Commission is planning on hosting events for two consecutive days at the Chadakoin Park.


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