
Pine Valley Hires New Student Resource Officer

Pine Valley High School Principal Kourtney Almeida, Elementary School Principal Brandi Meacham, Deputy Brandon Hite, and Superintendent Bryna Mortiz welcome Deputy Hite to the district. Hite began on Oct. 3.

SOUTH DAYTON — Pine Valley Central School has brought back the position of School Resource Officer.

This position previously existed in the district, but due to budget concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was eliminated at the beginning of the pandemic shutdown. School officials said it was always in the plan to try and bring an SRO back to the school when possible, and it recently became so.

Deputy Brandon Hite, a Chautauqua County sheriff has been hired to fill the position. His first day on the job was Monday Oct. 3.

“The Board of Education has remained focused on bringing this position back the entire time and we are thrilled to welcome Deputy Hite,” Superintendent Bryna Moritz said. “The Pine Valley leadership team has been discussing this position throughout the pandemic and was excited to bring this level of security and safety back to our buildings.”

Deputy Hite was hired from the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Department because of an ongoing contract between them and the school. His main job focus is on the safety and security of the facilities and grounds.

“Deputy Hite will assist with all drills, be visible throughout the district and work to build strong relationships with students and families,” Moritz said. “On Deputy Hite’s first day in the district, he visited classrooms and already had appointments to go back and answer more questions in elementary classrooms.”

As a part of the security at Pine Valley, students and parents or families are allowed to report incidents to Deputy Hite, but it is asked that the main way of reporting remain the same with the online tip site.

“Students and parents are welcome to report things to Deputy Hite,” Moritz said. “However, we ask that the primary mode of reporting be our online tip site and to our main office and counseling offices. Our personnel are well versed in where to disseminate information in order to get a swift and thorough response from all adults that can help, including Deputy Hite.”

Through the hiring of Deputy Hite, Moritz said the district was happy to be able to bring the position back along with continuing their relationship with the county sheriff’s department.

“Our leadership team is excited to embrace this position,” Moritz said. “The Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Department has been beyond responsive to our district’s needs and concerns. I cannot say enough positives about their help and support over the years. We are thrilled to grow this relationship.”


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