Gowanda Vet Featured In VFW Campaign

Gowanda veteran Dwayne Jensen and his service dog Beau are being honored for dedication to country and community in the VFW #StillServing campaign. Submitted photo
GOWANDA — A local veteran and his service dog are being honored for their dedication and service to their country and community in a Veterans of Foreign Wars media campaign.
Dwayne Jensen and his dog, Beau, are in VFW’s #StillServing for the month of September. The campaign is focusing on veterans with service dogs this month. A photo and short write up about Jensen and Beau are currently on the VFW #StillServing website.
Jensen was an air traffic controller for the U.S. Army in Desert Storm. He struggled with anxiety after that service, according to Michelle Cheesman, who contacted the OBSERVER about his story on behalf of VFW.
“He applied with Western New York Heroes’ Pawsitive for Heroes program and was able to get Beau and the two have been inseparable since,” Cheesman said. “Beau helps Jensen with daily stress and anxiety to get through his work day and enables him to be active at Gowanda VFW Post 5007 and have a social life.”
Jensen is a mail carrier for the United States Postal Service and is joined by Beau on the job. Beau is said to be the first service dog ever to work for the postal service as a carrier.
#StillServing is a campaign to highlight how U.S. veterans serve their communities after leaving the military. The campaign has shared the stories of more than 1,000 veterans since it started in February 2020.