
Storm Brings Heavy Rain, Hail To Area

A storm that brought heavy rain, which at times included hail, slowed traffic in some parts of Jamestown and elsewhere on Wednesday. The heavy rain lasted about a half hour. Vehicles are pictured along a water-clogged Washington Street, near Tops Markets. P-J photo by Eric Tichy
A storm that brought heavy rain, which at times included hail, slowed traffic in some parts of Jamestown and elsewhere on Wednesday. The heavy rain lasted about a half hour. Vehicles are pictured along a water-clogged Washington Street, near Tops Markets. P-J photo by Eric Tichy

A storm that brought heavy rain, which at times included hail, slowed traffic in some parts of Jamestown and elsewhere on Wednesday. The heavy rain lasted about a half hour. Vehicles are pictured along a water-clogged Washington Street, near Tops Markets.

P-J photos by Eric Tichy


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