
Market To Continue ‘Eat Fresh, Do Good’ Program

Pictured are volunteers packaging produce boxes for last year’s Eat Fresh, Do Good community supported agriculture program. Submitted photo

Community members may be thinking spring, but the Jamestown Public Market is thinking produce.

The market is bringing back its “Eat Fresh, Do Good CSA” for a second year, with shares available immediately. CSA, or community supported agriculture, is traditionally a way for the community to support local farmers. Shares can be purchased of a crop and, in return, the farmer knows they can support their farming efforts.

In exchange, the CSA member receives a weekly abundance of locally grown produce, eggs or raised meats.

Market director Linnea Carlson said the market looked at this model and wondered if it could apply to support the operational costs of its most expensive program, the Jamestown Mobile Market. The mobile market, which visits different areas of the city, has a large operational overhead due to costs such as gas, the purchase of products and maintenance for the vehicle.

“It is truly an amazing program,” Carlson said. “We purchase all of the produce offered from the same vendors that visit the public market and support our mobile market, Abers Acres and Hidden Valley Produce. CSA members are eating at the same table as our mobile market customers. Each week you get new and seasonal produce items, fresh from the farm while knowing you are supporting community members in need.”

Carlson said the first week produce boxes could be picked up will be June 8; however, registrations are being held now.

CSA shares for 2022 are now available and come in three sizes: fun, family and full. Fun Size is ideal for smaller households, designed with 1-2 people in mind, and is priced at $200. Family size, for larger households, is priced at $375; and the full size is for those that love their veggies, and is priced at $500.

The program lasts for 16 weeks and weekly pick up of produce shares will occur every Wednesday starting June 8 at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.

To sign up and for more information, community members can visit www.jtownpublicmarket.org/csa


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