
Prendergast Board Discusses Creating Student Position

The James Prendergast Library Board of Trustees discussed the creation of a student position on its board during its monthly board meeting. P-J photo by Dennis Phillips

In a capacity that is still to be determined, the James Prendergast Library Board of Trustees might add a student position in its future.

The board discussed last week the possibility of creating a student position on the board. Dan Hickman, board president, said following last month’s meeting, board members were joking about board member Cassie Blakeslee’s son being a “junior board member” because he attended the online meeting with his mother.

However, the more Hickman thought about the board having a student member, the less of a joke the idea became.

“Lots of students are at the library and we want to get them involved,” he said. “It would be a senior or junior … and we could get a student’s perspective about what we are doing right or what we are doing wrong.”

Hickman said library officials would have to review the bylaws to see if creating a student position is allowed. Board member Mary Zdrojewski said that because of legal items like signing a conflict of interest form, the board might not be able to have someone under the age of 18.

Hickman said the board will need to know the requirements of being a board member before anything is finalized. Annie Greene, library executive director, said even if the bylaws and legal forms prohibit a student from being a board member, maybe the new position could be a liaison who doesn’t officially vote, but could still provide a young person’s point of view.

Blakeslee then suggested the new position’s term should be linked to the school year and not the calendar year. Hickman agreed that was a good idea, which gives the board time to research what is allowed, possibly having to pass new bylaws and recruiting the student before the new school year begins in September.

Board members Joni Blackman, Judy Long and Zdrojewski volunteered to help library officials research the possible creation of the student position. Hickman said at the board’s next meeting the volunteers will present a report on if creating the new position is feasible.

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