
Village Board Reviews Police Reform Measures

LAKEWOOD — The Lakewood Village Board reviewed a number of police reform measures at its regular meeting Monday stemming from the New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative.

“As you all know Gov. Cuomo signed an executive order 203 and wanted us to look at the way we do business at the police department,” Lakewood-Busti Police Chief Christopher DePonceau said. “Wanted us to look at procedures, training and other public programs that we provide. We’ve reviewed our policies and procedures. We’ve made changes to said policies and procedures.”

At the direction of the executive order, police departments have held stakeholder meetings with their communities in order to address social justice issues including officer accountability, use of force procedures, general training and racial bias.

This week’s village board meeting included an open period for public comment on the proposed changes before its approval. A full presentation of the Lakewood-Busti reforms can be found at the village website.

The board also approved the promotion of officer William Cummings to sergeant.

In other business, Lakewood Fire Chief Kurt Hallberg updated the board on a large structure fire that broke out earlier this month on Keller Road.

“Thursday morning, March 11 the fire department was called to one of the biggest fires we’ve had in many years. Nine properties involved, one house was fully involved and subsequently burned to the ground,” Hallberg said. “I really want to thank First Assistant Chief Steve Smouse who had command and Captain Tom Allen who was in charge of operations. I was a little bit slow getting out, I was ten days into my hip replacement surgery–I did finally get there–but I wanted to thank them because they did get there, and they really worked hard. Mutually we had (assistance) from Ashville, Busti, Celoron, Panama, Bemus Point, Clymer, Sherman and Kiantone and we would have lost a lot of property if it was not for them. The Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Department Fire Investigation Unit has listed the case as undetermined (for cause), but they are still not done with their investigation.”

Three residents were able to escape the blaze thanks to an open window that alerted them.

Department of Public Works Supervisor Tom Pilling told the board that final payment has been received from the grant used to fund the Crescent Creek stormwater project, and that construction is nearly completed.

Construction will be starting shortly on the Chautauqua Avenue Green Retrofit project.

“I had a construction meeting with Kingsview (Paving) last week,” Pilling said. “They are still thinking about the middle of April, around the 15th to start the Chautauqua Avenue project, and they want to start right at the four corners.”

In other business the village renewed its waste removal contract with Beichner Waste Services and approved a YMCA Fitness in the Park program from June 1, 2021- September 30, 2021 at Hartley Park.


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