
Home Damaged

Red Cross Assisting Family After Fire

A Chautauqua County fire investigator is pictured Friday morning at an Ohio Avenue home in the village of Lakewood. A fire that broke out at the residence was ruled accidental by the county Fire Investigation Team. P-J photo by Eric Tichy

LAKEWOOD – No one was injured, but a Lakewood home sustained significant damage in a fire early Friday.

The fire at 40 Ohio Ave. was reported to county dispatch at 5:26 a.m. Kurt Hallberg, Lakewood fire chief, said he arrived to find flames shooting from a large street-facing window.

“It was burning right outside, right through the wall,” said Hallberg, who noted that the fire was knocked down in about 15 minutes. “We put a pretty quick stop to it.”

The first floor of the home was occupied by two adults and two children. According to the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office, the family “awoke to the smell of smoke and luckily were able to get out of the house with no injury.”

Hallberg said the American Red Cross was called to assist the family. He said the second floor of the property was vacant.

Lakewood firefighters were assisted early Friday by volunteers from Celoron and Busti.

In a news release, the Sheriff’s Office ruled the fire accidental. The county Fire Investigation Team determined the blaze started in the wall next to the fire place, which then spread up wall to the second floor.


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