
State Prohibits Schools From Arming Teachers

ALBANY (AP) — A new law in New York will prevent local school districts from authorizing teachers from carrying firearms on school grounds.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the measure into law on Wednesday.

While law enforcement and school resource officers will still be allowed to carry guns, the new law will stop any local districts from trying to arm teachers or allowing them to bring guns onto school grounds.

The state teachers union had supported the bill, arguing that arming teachers would only increase the risk of accidental shootings without increasing student safety.

Cuomo also signed legislation Wednesday that would create statewide rules for gun buy-back programs, which allow individuals to turn in or sell their firearms to authorities without risk of prosecution.

Locally, state Assemblyman Andy Goodell, R-Jamestown, said he opposed legislation to prohibit schools from allowing teachers and other school employees to carry guns in schools. He said schools in rural areas without a resource officer will be without an option should a gun be needed.

“It’s a decision that should be made by local school boards,” Goodell told The Post-Journal in January. “They were elected for that purpose. In rural areas, officers can be 15 to 20 minutes away in good weather.

Some local superintendents have already come out against arming teachers in schools.

“No guns on school grounds unless you are a resource officer,” said Jamestown Schools Superintendent Bret Apthorpe said last summer. “I can’t see any reason ever for any teacher to have a gun in school.”

Apthorpe said the conversation isn’t relevant in the areas where school campuses are closed and contained unlike the open campuses without hallways in more southern states.


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