
Strong Winds Expected Through Wednesday Morning

Strong winds are expected to sweep into the region this week.

A high wind warning from the Buffalo office of the National Weather Service has been issued from 7 a.m. Tuesday to 4 a.m. Wednesday. The warning includes Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and southern Erie counties.

“Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines,” the National Weather Service said in its alert. “Widespread power outages are expected. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles.”

Winds could gust as high as 50 mph on Tuesday.

“People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches,” the weather service said. “If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive.”

Meanwhile, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation said it was planning commercial vehicle restrictions on interstates 90 and 86 for Tuesday in Pennsylvania.

In addition to high winds, Tuesday’s forecast also calls for 1 to 2 inches of new snow accumulation in the Jamestown area.

Snow showers are forecast everyday through Saturday.


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