
Miami Woman Sentenced In Jamestown Fentanyl Bust

A Florida woman found with 4,389 grams of fentanyl during a traffic stop in Jamestown last year has been sentenced to more than seven years in prison.

Elina Martinez, 67, of Miami, had previously been convicted of possession with intent to distribute 40 grams or more of fentanyl. She was sentenced to 85 months in prison by U.S. District Judge Richard J. Arcara.

Martinez was stopped Dec. 7, 2022, on North Main Street in Jamestown for traffic violations, though her vehicle already was being tracked as part of a larger local narcotics investigation. Martinez gave Jamestown police a Florida driver’s license and car rental paperwork for the vehicle.

After she reportedly consented to a search, police discovered “suspicious powder residue” inside a suitcase. Two K-9 dogs were then brought to the scene, and each alerted to the presence of drugs, U.S. Attorney Trini Ross said in a news release last year.

Officers found a plastic bag containing 9 pounds of pills “secreted in (the) battery of the car,” the office said. The pills later tested positive for the presence of fentanyl.


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