
Semi Driver Killed In Interstate 90 Crash

SILVER CREEK — A driver was killed when his tractor trailer struck another semi late Wednesday on Interstate 90, the New York State Police confirmed.

An investigation into the crash, which occurred at about 10:45 p.m. in the town of Hanover, remains ongoing.

In a news release, the state police said an eastbound semi apparently drifted from the right lane and “struck a tractor trailer that was stopped on the south shoulder to switch drivers.” The semi then jack-knifed and overturned “multiple times before becoming engulfed in flames on the south shoulder,” the state police reported.

The driver of the overturned semi was pronounced dead at the scene; the driver’s name was not released.

The two occupants of the stopped tractor trailer were not injured in the Wednesday night crash.

More information will be released when it becomes available.


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