
Area Officials, Community Members Back New Brooks-TLC Facility

Community members in attendance on Thursday.

DUNKIRK — New York State Nurses Association member, community allies, patients and elected officials gathered outside Brooks-TLC Hospital System on Thursday, calling on the state to release the funds allocated to build a new facility in the region.

Brooks Memorial Hospital is the only healthcare facility available in Northern Chautauqua County. The dedicated healthcare workers at Brooks continue to provide care in the aging and outdated Dunkirk facility. But the community needs and deserves better, they said.

Those in attendance included: Assemblyman Andy Goodell, Chautauqua County Legislator Susan Parker, Presley Redeye, a Seneca Nation Cattaraugus Councilor, Mayor Doug Essek of Fredonia and Mayor Wilfred Rosas of Dunkirk,

Brooks-TLC was awarded a $57 million grant from Essential Healthcare Provider Support Program (EHCPSP) to build a new modern hospital and to convert TLC Lakeshore to an Ambulatory Destination Center specializing in chemical dependency. In addition, the 2017 New York state budget also included a $17 million dollar Healthcare Facility Transformation grant to help build a modern hospital.

But the community has been waiting for more than six years for the New York State Department of Health to release the funds needed to construct a new modernized hospital. Healthcare workers and allies are demanding the Department of Health release the funds and move this project forward.

“As Mayor of Dunkirk, I worked hard to keep Brooks Hospital here in our city. That work is done; the work is behind me,” Rosas said. “The challenge now is to raise a new hospital that will continue to serve the residents of northern Chautauqua County. It is essential that we have a new hospital funded by the State. A hospital that continues the quality of care that is everyday care of our Brooks Hospital Employees and especially our professional nurses. The time is now. We must build a new Brooks now and for the future health of our community and to retain our essential health care.”

Susan Parker, Chautauqua County Legislator, said: “As a registered nurse and licensed social worker, I’ve committed my professional life to public health. As your county legislator, I’m committed to getting the necessary funds and building the facilities and providing the health services that only Brooks hospital — and our professional nurses — can provide to our Dunkirk and Fredonia communities and the whole of northern Chautauqua County.”


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