
Fentanyl-Sale Probe Leads To Pair Of Arrests

Items seized by police in the two raids.

A six-month investigation into fentanyl sales in the village of Fredonia and the city of Dunkirk ended with two individuals facing charges.

Narcotics investigators and officers from Dunkirk Police Department, Fredonia Police Department, Chautauqua County sheriff’s office and Jamestown Police Department all participated in the investigation and search warrants.

Dunkirk Police Special Response Team made entrance at 775 Washington Ave., Apt. 1 in the city while the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s SWAT made entrance at 63 1/2 W. Main St. in the village.

As a result of the searches Investigators seized 8.4 grams and additional 395 doses of fentanyl, scales and packaging material for the distribution of narcotics, two loaded 9mm handguns and $800 in US currency. Zacre T. Jasinski, 32, was charged with two counts of third-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, two counts of criminal possession of a weapon and second-degree criminally using drug paraphernalia. Jeron C. Douglas, 43, was charged with two counts of third-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, second-degree criminal possession of a weapon and second-degree criminally using drug paraphernalia.

Jasinski was transported to Dunkirk Police Department where he will be arraigned in City Court. Douglas was transported to the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office for CAP arraignment.

Officers arrive in Dunkirk.

Authorities continue to ask members of the community to call and report suspicious or narcotics related activity within their neighborhoods. For the Dunkirk Police Department Tip line call 716-363-0313, for the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Investigators Tip line call either 800-344-8702 or 716-664-2420, for the Jamestown Police Department Tip line call 716-483-8477.


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