
Gerry Traffic Stop Yields Discovery Of Cocaine, Fentanyl

GERRY — Nearly 10 ounces of cocaine were seized in a traffic stop late Friday, Chautauqua County sheriff’s deputies reported.

Deputies stopped a vehicle for speeding shortly after 11 p.m. on Route 60. Deputies noticed a plastic bag with a white powdery substance in the vehicle.

After searching the vehicle, deputies found 9.9 ounces of cocaine, 17.74 grams of fentanyl, a digital scale and packaging material for the sale and distribution of narcotics and $135.

The driver, Megan Leeper, 22, of Jamestown, and the passenger, Kori Robinson, 25, of Buffalo were both taken into custody and charged with first-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, third-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance and second-degree criminally using drug paraphernalia.

Robinson and Leeper were transported to the Chautauqua County Jail for the Centralized Arraignment Program.


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